How to prepare Rabi Onion Nursery

About 55-60 percent of onion is grown in Rabi season and 40-45 percent in Kharif season and late Kharif season. Rabi onion is more prevalent for irrigated crops, which results in higher yield with larger sized bulbs. “October to November” is the right time to prepare the nursery –

  • Farmer brothers, the beds for onion nursery should be made in such a place where there is no water logging. There should be a good drainage system. The land should be flat and fertile because water flows from one end to the other in flat beds. And there should not be shady trees around.

  • To prepare the seedlings, a bed of 3-7 meters long and 1 meter wide should be made about 10 to 15 cm high from the ground. 20 beds of this size are sufficient for a nursery of one acre.

  • Do 4 to 5 ploughings of the land, generally the first ploughing should be done with soil turning plow. After that it should be done with indigenous plow or harrow. If there are lumps in the field, then after each ploughing, level the field after making the soil friable by using a leveler. Due to which the lumps will break and the germination of the seed will also be good and the water holding capacity will also be maintained.

  • FYM @ 10 kg + Combat (trichoderma viride 1.0% WP) @ 25 gm  + Maxxmyco (Amino Acid + Humic Acid + Seaweed Extract + Mycorrhiza) @ 25 gm + Kalichakra (Metarhizium anisopliae) @ 25 gm  per bed, Mix it evenly in the soil. Create high beds with drainage facilities.

  • Before sowing, as biological seed treatment, treat with Combat (Trichoderma viride 1.0% WP) @ 5 gm  or monas curb (PSEUDOMONAS FLUORESCENS 1.0% WP) @ 5 gm per kg seed.

  • As a chemical seed treatment, Sprint (Carbendazim 25% + Mancozeb 50% WS) must be treated at the rate of 3 grams per kg of seed; it will not cause disease in the early stage.

  • Sowing should be done in rows at a depth of 1-2 cm and spacing of 5 cm.

  • Thus, sow the treated seed in prepared beds. After sowing, cover the seeds with fine compost or soil.

  • Immediately after sowing the seed, light irrigation should be done in the bed with a fountain or Hazare and after that irrigation should be continued at an interval of one day.

  • The nursery raised in this way becomes ready for transplanting in about 35-45 days.

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