Preparations to be done in soybean crop before sowing

Preparations to be done in soybean crop before sowing
  • Before sowing soybean, select the field, as well as ensure that there is adequate drainage system from that field in case of excessive rainfall.

  • Soybean can be sown everywhere except rocky land. Sowing by leveling the field will improve the drainage of water and yield is also good. Medium loam soil is suitable for sowing soybean.

  • Deep plowing of vacant land should be done 10 to 12 inches deep with soil turning plow. Prepare the field well by ploughing once.

  • After this, to control soil insects present in the soil, do soil treatment with Metarhizium culture. By this treatment, pests like white grubs can be controlled very well, along with decomposing culture to decomposed old crops residues. Because of this, the residues of the old crop are very easily converted into useful manure, its benefit is also available in keeping the crop disease free.

  • Select such a variety for sowing which is disease and pest resistant. After selecting the seeds, do a germination test of the seeds before sowing, so that whether the soybean seed is healthy or not, it is also known. Also it helps in calculating the quantity of seed for sowing.

  • Soil treatment and seed treatment must be done before sowing. By doing this, soil and seed borne diseases can be controlled.

Also Read: Buy in Soybean Seed Treatment’s Special Offer And Win Free Gifts

Also read: Choose Improved Seed Varieties Of Soybean And Earn Huge Profits From Bumper Yield
