Management of Powdery mildew in Peas

Powdery Mildew of Pea:-


  • Firstly on old leaves and then others parts.
  • Formation of powder on both surface of leaves.
  • Later formation of powdery spots on tendrils, pod etc. White power on plant surface. The fruits do not either set or remain very small.
  • Later stage, powdery growth also covers the pod making them not suitable for marketing.


  • Avoid late sowing.
  • Use resistant varieties like- Arka Ajit, PSM-5, Jawahar Pea- 4 JP-83, JRS-14,
  • Foliar spray of wettable sulphur 50% WP @ 3 gm/litre of water or Dinocap 48% EC 2 ml/ litre of water three time at 10 days interval.

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Powdery Mildew of Bottle Gourd

Powdery Mildew of Bottle Gourd

  • White to dirty gray spots or patches appers on leaves which be come white powery as they enlarge.
  • Fortnightly spray hexaconazole 5% SC 300 ml per acre or thiophanate methyl 70% WP 400 gm per acre.

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Control of Powdery mildew in Tomato

It is caused by the fungus Leveillulataurica. Initially light green to bright yellow spots appear on the upper surface of the leaves. A light powdery covering is visible on the leaves and green leaves turn yellow in colour and rot. For effective control, spray Hexaconazole 5% SC @ 30 ml/ 15 litre water or sulphur 80% WDG @ 50 Gm/15 litre Water.

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