Potato chips manufacturing unit to be built in Karnawad Madhya Pradesh

Potato chips manufacturing unit to be built in Karnawad Madhya Pradesh

A processing farmers training camp for potato crop was organized in the state of Dewas in Madhya Pradesh recently. The chief guest of this event was MLA Mrs. Gayatri Raje Panwar and Collector Mr. Chandramouli Shukla. 250 farmers participated in this training.

During this, Collector Shri Chandramouli Shukla informed that a cluster of food processing is being started in Karnawad of Bagli section by forming a cluster of food processing. He said that the income of farmers will double with this new beginning. He said that selling potatoes produced by farmers directly in the mandi does not fetch good prices, so they can earn good income by processing potatoes.

Source: Krishak Jagran
