Know the cause and identity of leaf curl disease in Papaya crop

Know the cause and identity of leaf curl disease in Papaya crop
  • Symptoms of leaf curl appear only on the leaves. affected leaves become small and corrugated.
  • Deformity of leaves and yellowing of veins are common symptoms of the disease.
  • Affected leaves turn downwards and as a result they appear to be inverted cups, which is a special symptom of leaf curl.
  • The leaves become thick, brittle and rough on the upper surface due to overgrowth. Flowering occurs less in diseased plants. In the severity of the disease, the leaves fall and the plant stops growing.

How to keep papaya seedlings healthy while planting

How to keep papaya seedlings healthy while planting
  • Tillage the field properly and leveling it and the light slope of the land is good.
  • In the month of May of 50 X 50 X 50 (length, width and depth) cm size, at a distance of 2 x 2 meters, should be dug and left open for 15 days, so that the heat and sunlight damage harmful insects, their eggs, pupa and fungi spores get destroyed.
  • In these pits, mix 20 kg FYM, half kg Super phosphate, 250 gram muriate of potash soil and fill it in the pits 10-15 days before planting.
  • When the plants become 15 cm, then they should be planted in pits and given a light amount of water.

Suitable climate and soil for Papaya Farming

Suitable climate for Papaya Farming:-

  • The papaya being tropical crop favours high temperature and high humidity.

  • It is very susceptible to frost and hail storm.

  • The long days are favourable for good quality and flavour.

  • During flowering, high rains are injurious and cause heavy damage.

    Soil condition for Papaya:-

  • The papaya grows under wide types of soils.

  • However, very shallow and very deep black soils are not suitable.

  • Medium, fertile, well drained and lime free soils are preferred for papaya cultivation.

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