The best Rabi onion seed variety is here, Gramophone’s Panchratna Pratham

Gramophone's amazing onion seed Panchratna Pratham.

Onion is a crop which is in demand in every season. Farmers also cultivate it with great enthusiasm. Farmers who cultivate onion in Rabi season are nowadays thinking about which seed they should buy this time. The answer to this question of farmers is Gramophone’s amazing onion seed Panchratna Pratham.

If you want to get powerful yield from onion cultivation, then this time plant Gramophone’s Panchratna Pratham hybrid onion seed. This is not a seed but a ruckus, its yield is amazing. This variety of onion, tried and liked by thousands of farmers, is attractive pink in color and weighs 110 to 120 grams. That is, it gives very healthy, large and attractive quality tubers.

The seed rate of this variety is 2.5 to 3 kg per acre and the crop duration is 110 to 125 days, while its storage capacity is also unmatched. You will find many varieties of onion but you will not find so many qualities in a single variety. That is why this time choose the path of bumper yield with Gramophone’s Panchratna Pratham seeds.

To buy Gramophone’s Panchratna Pratham onion seeds, visit the nearest Gramophone shop in your area today. For information about Gramophone shops, give a missed call on 1800 315 7566.
