Outbreak of girdle beetle will be fatal in soybean, learn preventive measures

Outbreak of girdle beetle will be fatal in soybean
  • Infestation of the girdle beetle is observed at the seedling stage. A characteristic symptom is the presence of 2 whorls on the branch or stem.

  • The larva bores into the soybean stem. The inner part of the stem is eaten by the larva.

  • Tunnelling inside the stem, above the circular cut is the infected part. After infection, the plant is unable to get nutrition so it dries up.

  • The plant is cut about 15 to 25 cm above the ground. The main damage is caused by the larvae of the pest.

  • The pest attack initially starts from the last week of July to the first fortnight of August. The pest remains active from July to October, causing maximum damage to the crop.

  • during August and September. Heavy infestations can result in yield losses of up to 40%.

  • For control spray Profenova (Profenophos 50% EC) @ 400 ml or Novalaxam (Thiamethoxam 12.6% + Lambda Cyhalothrin 9.5% ZC) @ 50 ml + Silicomax Gold @ 50 ml per acre.

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