Nutrition Management in Maize

Use of zinc in maize crop
  • In India  Maize is cultivated in three seasons, Kharif (June to July), Rabi (October to November), and Zaid (February to March).
  • For maximum benefit, it is necessary to check the soil before sowing. While preparing the land, 5 to 8 tons of well-decomposed cow dung manure should be added in the field.
  • The amount of fertilizer and fertilizer applied in the fields also depends on the selected species. Adopting the right method and right fertilizer during maize cultivation benefits both the growth and production of maize.
  • Adequate quantity of fertilizers should be given at the appropriate time to get maximum yield by hybrid and group varieties of maize after 10-15 days of sowing of maize.
  • Urea 35 kg / acre + magnesium sulfate 5 kg / acre + zinc sulfate 5 kg / acre is very important after 10-15 days of maize sowing.