Nutrition Management in Maize Crop

Use of zinc in maize crop
  • Among the main food crops in the world, maize is the third main crop after wheat and paddy.
  • The main reason for it is its productivity – its production capacity is 25-100 percent more than wheat and paddy. 15-30 June in Kharif season is the most suitable time for sowing.
  • For maximum benefits, soil testing is necessary. Before sowing, well decomposed cow dung or FYM should be mixed at the rate of 4-6 tonnes per acre of land.
  • Sufficient quantities of fertilizer should be used at the appropriate time to achieve maximum yield by hybrid and local varieties of maize.
  • In this crop, nutritional management should be done 40-50 days after sowing, similar to the way done at the time of sowing.
  • For this, the following products are used, urea @ 35 kg / acre + micronutrient @ 8 kg / acre as soil treatment and for spray @ 00:52:34 @ 1 kg / acre.
  • Ensure that there is sufficient moisture in the field at the time of use.