Nutrient management in Kharif onion crop at 40-45 days of transplanting

In onion crops, apart from the main nutrients, micronutrients are also required for plant growth as well as for tuber development. It also increases immunity against  pests and diseases. Due to lack of these nutrients in the soil, it starts showing symptoms of its deficiency on the crop.

Nutrient Management – For good growth and development as well as increase Bulb size in onion crop, Use Urea @ 30 kg + Agromin (Zinc 5% + Iron 2% + Manganese 1% + Boron 1% + Copper = 0.5%) @ 5 kg + coromandel Zinc Sulphate @ 5 kg per acre.

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Nutrient management in the period of 15 to 20 days after sowing in the maize crop

Maize is the main crop of Kharif season, but where there are irrigation facilities, Maize can be cultivated as an early crop of Rabi and Kharif. Maize is an excellent source of carbohydrates. It is a multi-use crop, it is a major component of human as well as animal feed and Maize cultivation also has an important place in the industrial sector.

Maize crop should be weed free in the early stage otherwise production is reduced. After 15-20 days of sowing, weeding should be done by running hoe in the crop or by using chemical herbicide to destroy the weeds first, then use nutrients. Due to which only the main crop will receive the nutrients directly and there will be no loss of nutrients. And the crop will also be healthy.

At this stage of plants, add Urea @ 35 kg + Multiplex /Gromor (Magnesium Sulphate) @ 5 kg + Dayal (Zinc Sulphate @ 5 kg), per acre and mix the fertilizers in the soil.

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Nutrient management in cotton crop at 20-25 days stage

Cotton is an important fiber and cash crop. To get good yield in cotton, it is necessary to have the amount of nutrients in the soil. If these nutrients in the soil are not as per the requirement of the crop and before planting the crop or whenever the crop is lacking, then giving the proper amount of nutrients is absolutely essential to get a good crop.

  • Mix Urea 40 kg + DAP 50 kg + Sulphur 90% WG 5 kg + Zinc Sulphate 5 kg together in the soil. 

  • After 2 days spray at the rate of 19:19:19 @ 1 kg + Novamaxx (Gibberellic acid 0.001 %) @ 300 ml per acre.

  • If a cotton samriddhi kit has not been used at the time of sowing, then definitely use this kit  in the field with these fertilizers.

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How to do nutrient management in soybean crops?

Proper nutritional management and fertilizer application are very essential for high yield of soybean. The demand for nutrients in soybean is maximum from crop growth to seed filling.

  • While preparing the field one week before sowing, mix 4 tonnes of FYM + 2 kg of Kalichakra (Metrazium) and apply it in the soil per acre.

  • Use Soyabean Samriddhi Kit at the time of sowing (one kit per acre) “The products included in the kit are –Pro Combimax  (Consortia of PK bacteria) – 1 kg + Tri-coat maxx  (Seaweed, Amino, Humic) – 4 kg + Rhizobium for Soybean (Biovatika R Soya) – 1 kg” . 

 MOP 20 kg, DAP 40 kg, or (DAP 25 kg with SSP), SSP 50 kg, Ammonium Sulphate/Urea 15/8 kg with SSP, Caldan ( Cartap Hydrochloride) 5 kg OR Dantotsu Clothianidin 50% WDG 100 g, Zinc Sulphate 3 kg, sulphur 90% WG  5 kg.

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Nutrient management at the time of sowing in the maize crop

  • Nutrient management is an important aspect for high yield of maize, if nutrient management is done properly, the plants can be kept healthy, which in turn helps in making them tolerant to natural stress and pests.

  • proper use of chemical fertilizers, micronutrients, organic fertilizers,  FYM and green manure etc. is necessary.

  •  Spread evenly in the field 15 -20 days before sowing of seeds  FYM at the rate of 4 tones + Combat (Trichoderma viride) 2 kg per acre. 

  • Thereafter at the time of sowing, DAP 50 kg, MOP 40 kg, Urea 25 kg, TABA G (ZnSB) 4 kg, TB 3 (NPK consortia) 3 kg,  Maxxmyco (seaweed, amino, humic and mycorrhiza) @ 2 kg per acre.

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Nutrient management at the time of transplanting in the paddy crop

In paddy, nutrient management is an important aspect, in which proper use of chemical fertilizers, micronutrients, organic fertilizers, green-blue algae,FYM and green manure etc.

7 days before transplanting in the main field (at the time of puddling),Mix FYM at the rate of 4 tones and Combat (Trichoderma viride) 2 kg per acre in the field.

After that at the time of transplanting, Urea 20 kg + SSP 50 kg + MOP (Muriate of Potash) 20 kg + DAP 25 kg + TB 3 (NPK consortia) – 3 kg + TABA G (Zinc soluble bacteria) 4 kg + Maxxmyco ( Mycorrhiza) 2 kg or Tri Coat Max (seaweed + Humic and Trace Elements) 4 kg, per acre mixed well in the soil.

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Nutrients management in mustard

  • The flowering stage is important in mustard crops.
  • In this stage, it is beneficial to increase the number of flowers and give hormones at the time of growth of pods.
  • For this, spraying of Homobrassinolide 0.04% @ 100 ml / acre with 19:19:19 @ 1 kg per acre.s

Nutrient management on garlic after 25 day

  • Micronutrients are also effective in increasing the yield of garlic crops.

 Given nutrient sequence are apply –

 Nutrition Dose (15 DAS) 

  • Bulk Fetilizer Urea @ 20 Kg/acre + 12:32:16 @ 20 Kg/acre + Vigore @ 300gm/acre

Nutrition Dose (30 DAS)

  • Urea @ 20 Kg/acre + Maxgrow @ 8 kg/acre

Nutrition Dose (50 DAS) 

  • Calcium Nitrate @ 6kg/acre +  Zinc sulphate @ 8 kg/acre


Nutrient Management in Wheat

Nutrient Management in Wheat:- Nutrients play an important role in wheat production. Well rotted farmyard manure (FYM) or compost should be applied at the rate of 6 to 8 tons/acre. after every two years. The FYM and compost will keep the soil physical properties in good condition-

  • Apply well rotten FYM compost 15-20 ton per every 2-year interval.
  • Use 88 kg Urea, 160 Kg SSP and 40 kg MOP per Acre.
  • Apply urea in below three doses.
  1. 44 kg quantity during seed sowing.
  2. 22 kg during the first irrigation.
  3. Remain 22 kg dose during second irrigation.
  • If the full quantity of phosphorus is added in the Kharif season, then add half the amount of phosphorus in Rabi.
  • When you have a minimum of two irrigation may be used 175:250:35-40 Kg/ha. quantity of Urea, SSP and MOP.
  • Use the full quantity of NPK at a time of basal dose on unirrigated condition.
  • If wheat sowing is done in mid-December, then 25% of the nitrogen should be reduced.

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