Better water management can overcome big water crisis hovering over the country

Better water management can overcome big water crisis hovering over the country

Our country may face a severe water crisis in the coming years. Experts believe that people in India are not understanding the importance of water and are wasting it a lot. In such a situation, due to this waste of water, about 60 crore people of the country may have to face water shortage in the coming time.

At present, a large population of about two lakh people are not getting clean water due to which they are either losing their lives or are suffering from serious diseases.

What is the solution
It is not that there is a big water problem in India, but water management in India is not in good condition due to which rainwater is allowed to flow in many states of the country every year. The truth is that the problem of water crisis can be prevented only by better management of water in India.


Chilli Festival: Now the world will taste Nimar’s chilli, big opportunity for farmers.

chilli festival

The tangy taste of Nimar’s chillies is already famous among the residents of Madhya Pradesh, and now its fame is going to spread throughout the nation. It may also get recognised all over the world. This will happen through the upcoming Chilli Festival. This Chilli Festival, which is locally known as Mirch Mahotsav, is going to happen from 29 February to 1 March at Kasravad, MP. This two-day state-level festival is organized by the MP government with the main goal of promoting Nimar’s chilli in India and abroad.

The farmers who cultivate chilli in the region will benefit the most from this festival. This will lead to the branding of the chilli grown in Nimar and its surrounding areas and will open new markets for it throughout the nation and abroad.

In this event, the farmers will get important information related to the production of chilli crop by more than 25 agricultural scientists. Our Gramophone will also be present there to serve you. Which means you can ask for any kind of agriculture advice or suggestions from our agricultural experts too.
