Nano fertilizer is beneficial for your crops, know its benefits

Nano fertilizer is beneficial for your crops
  • Nano Fertilizer is a product that is made with nanoparticles.  By using them in very small quantities in the crop, maximum production can be taken with less cost. Where we put 50 kg of normal fertilizer, 250-500 gm of nano fertilizer is sufficient, as well as the dilemma of moving large quantities of fertilizers from the market to the farm can also be reduced.

  • Nano fertilizers are designed to improve nutrient efficiency.

  • These fertilizers are helpful in converting insoluble nutrients into a soluble form better.

  • In addition, due to its ultra-fine size and surface characteristics, nano fertilizers are easily absorbed by plants when sprayed on leaves, reaching the plant parts where nutrients are needed, these particles can reach a balanced amount of nutrients.

  • Nano fertilizers reduce waste production and increase production rate and yield.

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