Management of Mosaic Virus in chilli

  • Uproot the infected plants.
  • Cultivate of resistant/tolerant varieties like Pusa Jwala, Pant C-1, Pusa- Sadabahar, Panjab lal etc.
  • Spray Acetamiprid 20% SP at the rate of 130gram/acre at regular intervals to reduce the vectors, or 
  • You can also Spray Fipronil 40% + Imidachloprid 40% WG @ 40 gram/acre.

Identification of Mosaic Virus in chili –

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  • The main symptom of this disease is the appearance of dark green and yellow spots on the leaves.
  • Another symptom includes the appearance of Light pits and blisters
  • Yellowing and distortion of younger leaves, followed by conspicuous mosaic.
  • Severe mottling with light and dark green patches get Scattered all over the leaf surface.
  • Slight curling, marginal rolling and shortening of leaves are other common symptoms of mosaic virus. 
  • This disease spreads through whitefly. 

Virus problem and solution in mungbean

  • During the stages of this crop, the symptoms of yellow mosaic, leaf curl, and crinkle disease can be seen by the virus.
  • The grain yield losses range from 2-95% in mungbean depending on plant age and symptoms onset.
  • control of these diseases foliar spray of thiamethoxam 25% WG 60-100 gram per acre. OR imidacloprid 17.8% SL @ 100 ml per acre at 15 DAS.

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Control of mosaic virus in watermelon

  • Watermelon mosaic virus initially appears on the leaves and spreads from the stem to the fruit.
  • Fruits become distorted and are small in size, and they break down from the petioles.
  • Leaves of plant curl downwards and leaf size smaller than normal.
  • This disease transmitted by aphid.
  • Preventive management of this disease, use the disease-free seed for sowing and do proper tillage operation.
  • Remove all the infected plants from the field.
  • Spray of Imidachloprid17.8% SL @ 70-100 ml/acre.

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Control of mosaic in tomato

  • Normal green colour of leaf is interspersed with irregular patches.
  • Mild mottling of foliage, narrowing of leaf blade, chlorosis and distortion of fruits take place.
  • Select the seeds only from healthy plants.
  • Grow the seedlings in sterilized soil.
  • Remove all the infected plants from the field.
  • Vector control by using systemic insecticide- Imidacloprid (17.8% SL) @ 100-120 ml/acre or Acephate (75% SP) @ 140-200 g /acre.

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Management of mosaic virus in bottle gourd

Plants go fully dry. Foliage is covered in distinctive yellow mosaic. Leaves of plant curl downwards and leaf size smaller than normal. Fruits become distorted and are small in size. Transmitted by aphids.


  • Removing weeds and diseased plants from fields can reduce the chance of infection.
  • The use of resistance variety in another way some farmers control virus spread.
  • Vector control by using systemic insecticide- Imidacloprid (17.8% SL) @ 100-120 ml/acre or Acephate (75% SP) @ 140-200 g /acre.                   

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Yellow Mosaic Virus in Legumes crops

Yellow Moisac Virus:- Yellow mosaic virus mainly occurs in soybean, urad, mung and some other crops in kharif season. In the crops such as soybean and urad, there is considerable loss of disease outbreaks. It has a bad effect on the yield, this disease spreads throughout the farm in 4-5 days and the crop starts falling yellow, the main role in spreading disease is white fly.

The main reasons for the disease Sperading : –

  • This viral disease spreads through the sucking pest and white fly.
  • Seeds not treated properly. Lack of information and drought for a long time also help in spreading the virus.
  • Using over dose of pesticides, mixing the chemicals without proper information and spraying them.
  • Not adopting proper crop cycle by the farmers is the main reason.
  • Not proper sanitation in surrounging field.
  • The white fly sits the cell sap on the leaves of the plants and leaving the saliva the same, the disease outbreak increases.

Plant viruses can be difficult to detect as symptoms look similar to many nutrient deficiencies and vary depending on the age of the plant when infection occurs. Look for:

  • Yellow, white or green stripes/ streaks/ spots on foliage.
  • Wrinkled, curled or small leaves.
  • Pronounced yellowing only of veins.
  • Stunted growth and reduced yields.
  • Infected fruit appears mottled and develops raised “warty” areas

Prevention measures

Mechanical method: –

  • In early stages, remove the infected plants from the field and burn them.
  • To attract the white fly in the field, apply 5-6 yellow sticker trap per hectare.
    Apply the crop of lentils in the form of trap and trap.
  • Sown Marigold as a trap crop a round the field.

Biological Methods:-

  • In the initial stage spray neem oil @ 1-1.5 liters per acre with 200-250 liters of water.

Chemical Method:-

  • 4-5 foliar spray of Dimethoat 30 ml/pump or thaimathoxam 5 gm/pump or Acetamiprid 20% SP 15 gm/pump at 10 days interval.

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Management of Mosaic Virus Disease in Sponge Gourd

Management of Mosaic Virus Disease in Sponge Gourd:-


  • This viral disease is transmitted through sap and vector aphids, white fly and red pumpkin beetle.
  • In infected plants, the younger leaves unfold very late show complete chlorosis following by green vein banding.
  • The older leaves exhibit prominent dark green raised blisters. the malformed leaves assume a filiform shape.
  • Vegetable growth, flowering and productivity are also adversely affected. severely affected vines do not set fruit.


  • Adopt clean cultivation and remove alternate host particularly weeds.
  • Avoid relay cropping of susceptible crops.
  • Avoid cropping mosaic prone season and areas.
  • Spray Dimethoate 30% EC @ 30 Ml./pump at 10-15 days intervals. and add antibiotic chemical like streptomycin 2 gm/pump for better control.

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Management of Mosaic Virus in chilli


  • The important symptoms of the disease are Vein clearing. Yellowing and malformation of younger leaves, followed by conspicuous mosaic.
  • Severe mottling with light and dark green patches. Scattered all over the leaf surface.
  • Slight curling, marginal rolling and shortening of leaves takes place.


  • Uprooting the infected plants.
  • Cultivate of resistant/tolerant varieties like Pusa Jwala, Pant C-1, Pusa- Sadabahar, Panjab lal etc.
  • Spray Dimethoat @ 2ml/litre of water at regular intervals to reduce the vectors.

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