Management of virus in the sponge gourd crop

Management of virus in the sponge gourd crop
  • Due to excessive heat and climate changes, the virus spreads in sponge gourd crops.
  • Its carrier is the white fly. It sits on the leaves. Jumps fields from one to the next one. This leads to a spread of virus infection  in vegetables.
  • The symptoms of this disease are seen in all the stages of the plant, due to which the veins of the leaves turn yellow and a mesh-like structure is formed on the leaves.
  • Chemical management:  To prevent this, use  Acetamiprid 20% SP @ 100 gram /acre or Diafenthiuron 50% WP @ 250 gram/acre or  Pyriproxyfen 10 % + Bifenthrin 10% EC @ 250 ml/acre .
  • Biological management:  As a biological treatment, use Beauveria bassiana @ 500 gram/acre.