Main field preparation and nutrition management for rabi paddy crop

Main field preparation and nutrition management for rabi paddy crop

For paddy transplantation, while preparing the main field, 1 or 2 days before ploughing, apply FYM @ 4 Ton Speed ​​Compost @ 4 kg Combat – Trichoderma viride 1.0 % WP @ 2 kg per acre evenly with fertiliser, and fill the field with water and allow the water to soak.

Keep the depth of water at 2.5 cm at the time of ploughing. For paddy crop, first ploughing should be done with soil turning plough and 2-3 ploughing should be done with a cultivator, after After this, puddle the field and make it uniform, due to which the normal depth of water is maintained in the area.

Nutrition management: On the transplanting day in mud add Urea- 20 kg SSP- 50 kg, DAP- 25 kg, MOP- 20 kg, and Paddy Samriddhi Kit- 11 kg, Ingredients included in the kit (Tri-Coat Max @ 4 kg TB3 – @ 3 kg Taba G @ 4 kg) mix all these together and spread evenly on the one-acre area. Also for planting the seedling, keep row to row and plant to plant distance of 20 x 15 cm.
