How to Manage Leaf Miner in Sponge gourd

Leaf Miner in Sponge gourd
  • The adults of the leaf minor are dark colored.
  • This insect invades the leaves of Sponge gourd.
  • White zigzag stripes are formed on the leaves. This streak is caused by the caterpillar forming a tunnel inside the leaf.
  • The plant stops growing and the plants remain small.
  • The ability of pest-bearing plants to bear fruits and flowers is greatly decreased.
  • Use of the following  products is very important for its control.
  • Spray Abamectin 1.9% EC @ 150 ml/acre or Profenophos 50% EC @ 500 ml/acre or Thiamethoxam 12.6% + Lambda cyhalothrin 9.5% ZC @ 80 ml / acre or Cyantraniliprole 10.26% OD @ 250 ml/acre.

Control of Leaf Miner in Cucumber Crop

Control of Leaf Miner in Cucumber Crop
  • This adult form is a light yellow fly that lays eggs on the leaves.
  • This causes white zigzag stripes on the leaves and the leaves to dry up and fall when there is more outbreak.
  • Plants affected by leaf minors have a problem of fructification which reduces yield.
  • For its control, spray Abamectin 1.8% EC @ 160 ml or Cypermethrin 4% EC + Profenophos 40% EC 400 ml with organic beauveria bassiana 5% WP 500 gm per acre in 200 liter water.

Attack of leaf miner in Ridge gourd

  • Its adult is a light yellow fly that lays eggs on the leaves. 
  • Its adult is a light yellow fly that lays eggs on the leaves.
  • White zigzag lines are formed on the leaves and leaves dry out and fall when there is more outbreak.
  • Problems of function are observed on the affected by this pest, which reduces the yield.
  • Remove the weed from the field and its surroundings.
  • To prevent this, spraying Abamectin 1.8% EC @ 160 ml/ acre or Cypermethrin 4% EC + Profenophos 40% EC 400 ml / acre.

Identification of leaf miner on muskmelon crop –

  • Adults leaf miners look like small black and yellow flies.
  • Larvae exit from the leaf after completion of their development and then pupate axles on plants.
  • Females puncture the leaf to feed plant sap and lays eggs within the leaf tissue.
  • This damage restricts the plant growth and results in reduced bulb yield and loss of vigour.  
  • Tunnels or mines can be seen in the leaves.

Chemical management of leaf miner on garlic crop

  • Affected plants during the growing season to be withdrawn and destroyed.
  • Spray Wapkill (Acitamprid) @ 100 gm/acre or 
  • Confidor(Imidacloprid ) @ 100 ML/acre or
  • Evident (Thaimethoxam ) @ 5 gm/pump or
  • Abacin (Abamectin 1.8% EC) @ 150 ML


Identification of leaf miner

  • Adults are small black and yellow flies.
  • Larvae exit from the leaf upon completion of their development and pupate in the soil or in the leaf axils on plants.
  • Females puncture the leaf to feed plant sap and lays eggs within the leaf tissue.
  • The damage restricts the plant growth, results in reduce bulb yield and loss of vigor.  
  • Tunnels or mines can be seen in the leaves.


Control of leaf miner in pea

  • Spraying of systemic insecticide like 
  • Deltamethrin 2.8% EC @ 200 ml/acre or 
  • Triazophos 40% EC @ 350-500 ml/acre. Or
  • Chlorpyrifos 20%EC @ 500 ml/acre or 
  • Cartap Hydrochloride 50 % SP @ 250 gm/ acre are recommended.

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Leaf miner in pea

  • Adults are dark metallic green in color. 
  • Pea leaves are attacked by Maggots which makes prominent whitish zigzag lines in the leaves.
  • The growth is stunted. The flowering and fruiting capacity of infested plants is adversely affected.

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Control of leaf miner in cowpea

  • Maggots are feeding the leaves in a zigzag shape.
  • The infestation of this fly can easily be recognized by the presence of shiny whitish streaks on the leaves against the green background.
  • The flowering and fruiting capacity of in infested plants is adversely affected.
  • Spraying of systemic insecticide like Deltamethrin 2.8% EC @ 200 ml/acre or Triazophos 40% EC @ 350-500 ml/acre.

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