Land Preparation of Chilli

Land Preparation of Chilli:-

  • The field is ploughed to fine tilth by giving four to five ploughing with a sufficient interval between two ploughing.
  • Well decomposed FYM (15-20 tonnes/ha.) is thoroughly incorporated at the time of land preperation.
  • Total P & K and third of nitrogen can be applied basally.

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Land Preparation For Tomato

Land Preparation forTomato:-

  • The field is ploughed to fine tilth by giving four to five ploughing with a sufficient interval between two ploughing.
  • Well decomposed FYM (15-20 tonnes/ha.) is thoroughly incorporated at the time of land preperation.
  • Total P & K and third of nitrogen can be applied basally.

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Field preparation of Cucumber

Field preparation of Cucumber

  • Lands is ploughed 4-5 time to a fine filth and rotten farm yard manure and manure @20-25 tones/ha is incorporated in the soil at the time of final ploughing.
  • If the soil is infasted with nematods, white ants or red ants apply Carbofuran @25kg/ha.
  • After leveling the field 60cm wide channels are made at a distance of 2.0- to 2.5 cm.
  • The length of channel depends on source of irrigation, season, rainfall and slope land.

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Field preparation of Cauliflower

Field preparation of Cauliflower

  • The field is ploughed to fine tilth by giving 3-4 ploughing with a sufficient interval between two ploughing.
  • Planting should be done on the flat land, ridge or in furrows depending on climate and soil conditions.
  • For early planting, ridge method is suitable especially in areas where the rains occur at time of planting.
  • In saline soils, planting are preferred in furrows and in dry areas transplanting on flat beds.

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Land preparation for Brinjal

Land preparation for Brinjal:-

  • Proper drainage is essential for growth of brinjal.
  • Soil should be prepared to a fine tilth by 4-6 ploughings.
  • Fym should be incorporated in soil at the time of final ploughing.

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