Know the necessary recommendations 25 days after transplanting onion seedlings

Know the necessary recommendations 25 days after transplanting onion seedlings
  • In India, onion is commonly cultivated in both Rabi and Kharif seasons. Mainly, at this time, rabi onion seedlings are being transplanted everywhere or have been planted somewhere. After 25 days of transplanting, farmers can adopt the following necessary recommendations –

  • For spray –  To enhance the vegetative growth of the plant and prevent the outbreak of caterpillar and fungal diseases in the crop, Spray 19:19:19 (Gromor) 1 kg + Lambda Cyhalothrin 4.9% SC (Lamnova) 200 ml + Hexaconazole 5% SC Spray (Novacone) 400 ml per acre. 

  • Silicon-based sticker Chipko (Silico Max) 5 ml per 15-litre tank can be added to each spray.

  • Soil Application – Apply Urea @ 30 kg + Micronutrient Mixture (Agromin) 5 kg + Zinc Sulphate (Gromor) @ 5 kg per acre in the soil. Urea provides nitrogen to plants which help in increasing vegetative growth, Mixgrow fulfils the deficiency of micronutrients in crops and Zinc Sulphate increases the growth and vigour of plants.

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