Know the high yielding varieties of peas

Know the high yielding varieties of peas
  • To get more yield from pea cultivation, the following varieties can be used for sowing, these varieties are high yielding and disease resistant.

  • Malav Super Arkel and Malav Arkel: Their cropping period is 60 to 70 days. In these varieties the fruit can be harvested 2-3 times. In this, the number of seeds in a pea pod is 6-8. Both of these varieties are resistant to powdery mildew. In these varieties the first harvest can be done within 55-60 days and yield per acre is 2 tonnes.

  • Malava venezia, Advanta GS10, Malava MS10: These are the three main varieties of peas which are also known as the pencil variety. It is sweet to eat and has a harvest period of 75-80 days. They can be harvested 2-3 times. The number of seeds in one pod is 8-10. The yield per acre of these varieties is 4 tonnes and these varieties are resistant to powdery mildew.

  • Master Harichandra PSM-3, Seed X PSM-3 and Ankur Seeds Anvay: They have a cropping period of 60 days. In these varieties the fruit is harvested once. It is an early maturing variety. Its pods are filled with 6-8 seeds. The yield of these varieties is 3 tonnes/acre.

  • Master Harichandra AP3: The crop duration of this variety is 60-70 days and it is harvested once. Its pods are filled with 6-8 seeds. It is an early maturing variety. The first crop is ready for harvesting after 70 days of sowing. It is sown in the second week of October. It gives an average yield of 2 tonnes/acre.

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