How to manage weed in moong crop?

How to manage weed in moong crop?
  • Green gram is cultivated on a large scale in many districts of Madhya Pradesh.
  • Green gram is included in the major pulses crops and it is a short duration crop with good production.
  • Farmers should pay special attention to weeds for about 20 to 30 days after sowing of Green gram.
  • Because in the early stages weeds cause heavy damages to the crop.
  • Farmers should use Pendimethalin 38.7 CS @ 700 ml/acre in as a pre-emergence herbicide in green gram crop.

Kisan Rath App launched, will be helpful in better transportation of agricultural produce

Kisan Rath App launched, will be helpful in better transportation of agricultural produce

Keeping in mind the ongoing lock-down in the country amid the growing infection of the coronavirus, the government is working to provide all possible help and relief to the people especially related to agriculture. Now in this series, Union Agriculture Minister Shri Narendra Singh Tomar has launched the Kisan Rath Mobile App on Friday, which will facilitate the transport of agricultural products.

Along with Mr. Tomar, Union Minister of State for Agriculture Shri Parshottam Rupala and Mr. Kailash Chaudhary and Secretary of the Ministry Mr. Sajay Aggarwal and other concerned senior officials were also present. On this occasion, Mr. Tomar said that “In the current crisis, the work of agriculture also needs to be done very fast.”

He said that “There were some problems in transportation of agricultural products, and to overcome this, Kisan Rath Mobile App has been launched. This mobile app has proved a milestone in the smooth transport of agricultural products across the country.”

You can download this app from the play store and then register yourself on it. In this app, all three farmers, traders and service providers can register themselves.


How to protect Tomatoes from Blossom End Rot disease

Tomatoes Blossom End Rot disease
  • It is a somatic disorder that occurs in fruits due to calcium deficiency.
  • Use FYM in the field before 15 days transplanting.
  • Spray Calcium EDTA @ 150 gm/ acre twice if symptoms of deficiency appear. Or
  • Spray Metalaxyl 4% + Mancozeb 64% WP 30 gm and Kasugamycin 3% SL 25 ml per 15 liters of water and On the fourth day, spray with chelated calcium 15 gm + Boron 15 gm per 15 liters of water.

Better water management can overcome big water crisis hovering over the country

Better water management can overcome big water crisis hovering over the country

Our country may face a severe water crisis in the coming years. Experts believe that people in India are not understanding the importance of water and are wasting it a lot. In such a situation, due to this waste of water, about 60 crore people of the country may have to face water shortage in the coming time.

At present, a large population of about two lakh people are not getting clean water due to which they are either losing their lives or are suffering from serious diseases.

What is the solution
It is not that there is a big water problem in India, but water management in India is not in good condition due to which rainwater is allowed to flow in many states of the country every year. The truth is that the problem of water crisis can be prevented only by better management of water in India.


Amidst fears of Corona, Indian Council of Agricultural Research gave useful advice on harvesting

Amidst fears of Corona, Indian Council of Agricultural Research gave useful advice on harvesting

Amidst fears of Corona, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research has given some useful advice to farmers on harvesting. Council has said that farmers can postpone wheat harvesting for a few days. The Council believes that the harvesting of wheat can be delayed till April 20 and there will be no loss.

Citing the reason behind this, the council said that in most areas the temperature is still below average and hence some delay in harvesting can be done. Significantly, the harvesting of wheat generally starts from the end of March.


Take precautions related to agriculture during the weather changes

Take precautions related to agriculture during the weather changes
  • Manage drainage in the field so that the water does not stop for long in the field.
  • During harvesting, do not keep it open in the field, keep it in a splash, room, warehouse or place where rain water does not come.
  • After the sky is clear, spread crops like Gram, Lentil, Wheat on tarpaulin or plastic sheets and dry it thoroughly for 2 to 3 days so that the moisture content in the grains is less than 12% and then store it.
  • To protect the seeds from insects, fungus & weeds, Clean the stalks, soil, leaves and weed seeds in the seed before storing them, and after drying for 2-3 days in strong sunlight, with 8-10% moisture.
  • It is necessary to treat seeds with fungicide before storing seeds, which can lead to cheap and effective control of seed borne disease. For seed treatment, Thiram or Captan should be treated at the rate of 3 grams or Carboxin 2 grams per kg seed.

What is the situation of food storage in the country

What is the situation of food storage in the country
  • In this difficult time of lock-down in the country, declared for 21 days to avoid the Corona virus, the chairman of the Food Corporation of India told that there are currently plenty of wheat, pulses, oil and sugar in government warehouses in the country.
  • The country has sufficient food stocks, the existing stock can be supplied to the needy for 18 months.
  • This year, a record production of 291.10 lakh tonnes of food grains has been estimated in the country, which was possible due to hard working farmers.
  • Therefore, in this calamity, Gramophone expresses gratitude to all the farmers.

Relief for farmers, Govt. extended the duration of short-term crop loan

Relief for farmers, Govt. extended the duration of short-term crop loan

Many people are facing various problems due to the ongoing lock-down due to the Corona global epidemic. Our farmer brothers are also facing many problems due to this. In view of these problems, the Government of India has extended the date of payment of short-term crop loans taken by the farmers by one month.

The central government has decided to extend the repayment of short-term crop loans to farmers by 31 May 2020. It means that now the farmers can pay short-term crop loans till 31 May 2020 at the interest rate of only 4% per annum without any punitive interest.


Central government will give concession on the prices of wheat and rice

Central government will give concession on the prices of wheat and rice
  • The government has taken some major steps to deal with this difficult phase of the Corona World Pandemic
  • It has been decided in the Central Cabinet meeting chaired by the Prime Minister to give food grains to 80 crore people of the country at a cheaper rate.
  • The government has decided to give Rs 27 per kg Wheat at just Rs 2 per kg and Rs 37 per kg Rice at Rs 3 per kg to 80 crore people. 
  • 1 lakh 80 thousand crore will be spent on this, which has been given in advance to the states for three months.