Method and use of making Jeevamrut

  • Jeevamrut acts as a catalyst by promoting the activity of microorganisms in the soil and also provides relevant nutrients. It is also a source of organic carbon and other nutrients, but in small amounts. It acts as a primer for the activity of microorganisms, and also increases the number of native earthworms.

  • Ingredients Required: 10 kg fresh cow dung, 5-10 liters cow urine, 50 grams lime, 2 kg jaggery, 2 kg pulse flour, 1 kg dam soil and 200 liters of water.

  • Method of preparation of Jeevamrut: The ingredients should be mixed in 200 liters of water and stirred well. After this, keep this mixture in a shady place to ferment for 48 hours. It should be driven twice – once in the morning and once in the evening – with a wooden stick. Apply the prepared mixture through irrigation water or directly on the crops. It can also be applied through drip irrigation using venturi (fertigation device).

  • Application of Jeevamrut:  This mixture should be used every fortnight. Its application should be applied directly on crops through spraying or with irrigation water. In the case of fruit plants, it should be applied to individual trees. This mixture can be stored for 15 days.

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Method of Making Jeevamrut

Method of Making Jeevamrut
  • First, put the plastic drum in the shade, 10 kg cow dung, 10-liter old cow urine, 1 kg any pulses flour, take 1 kg soil under banyan or pipal tree, 1 kg jaggery (bacteria present in the prepared solution become more active), Mix well with the help of wood stick in 200 liters of water.
  • Now cover this plastic drum with a cloth. This solution should not be exposed to direct sunlight.
  • The next day, mix the solution again with the help of stick 2-3 times a day.
  • Keep doing this work daily for 5-6 days.
  • This 200 liters Jeevamrut solution is sufficient for one acre of land.

What is Jeevamrut, its benefits and method of use

What is Jeevamrut, its benefits and method of use
  • Jeevamrut is a highly effective organic fertilizer, Which is prepared by mixing several other ingredients in cow dung along with water like cow urine, banyan or peepal tree soil, jaggery, and pulses.
  • Jeevamrut help in plant growth and development. It protects plants from various microbes and also enhances the immunity of plants. Due to which the plants remain healthy and the crop gives a very good yield.
  • The use of 200 liters of Jeevamrut with every irrigation should be used in one acre.
  • By filtering well, dripping or sprinkling can also be used through irrigation, which is sufficient for an area of 1 hectare.