How to manage fertilizer in rainy season Brinjal?

How to manage fertilizer in rainy season Brinjal
  • The nursery is sown in February-March for rainy season brinjal.
  • Brinjal plant is ready for transplanting in the main field after 30-40 days.
  • Add the fertilizer amount to the field according to the soil test report or
  • Before transplanting the plant, apply 90 kg Urea, 250 kg Single Super Phosphate (SSP), and 100 kg Muriate of Potash (MOP) along with FYM.
  • Divide 90 kg of Urea into three parts. The first part of urea is given 30-40 days after transplanting, the second part after the next 30 days, and the third installment or part in the form of top dressing at the time of flowering.

how to identify Jassids in Brinjal crop –

  • Nymphs and adults suck the sap from the lower surface of the leaves.
  • The infected leaf curls upward along the margins, which may turn yellowish and show burnt up patches.
  • They also transmit mycoplasma diseases like a little leaf and virus disease like a mosaic.
  • Fruit setting is adversely affected by the infestation.