Information about three main methods of planting potatoes

Information about three main methods of planting potatoes

In India, farmers generally plant potatoes in three ways. In today’s article, let us know about these three methods.

  • Planting potatoes on ridges: After preparation of the field, ridges are made at a distance of 45-60 cm with the help of a spade. Planting of potatoes is done on the ridges with the help of khurpi.

  • Flat method: Planting of potatoes is done on a flat surface in shallow furrows. Ridges are made after germination when plants attain 10-12 cm in height. This method is suitable for light soils. Later on, two to three earthings are done to make the ridges thick.

  • Planting potatoes on a flat surface followed by ridges: In this method field is prepared and then shallow furrows are opened on the flat surface. Potatoes are planted in furrows and immediately after planting tubers, small ridges are made. Later on, these ridges are made thick by earthing up the side soil.

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