How to use decomposer for old stored cow dung

How to use decomposer for old stored cow dung
  • The farmer can easily convert the cow dung collected on his farm into useful manure with the help of a decomposer.

  • For this 4 kg, de-composer culture is enough for 4 tonnes of cow dung.

  • For this, first wet the heap of cow dung thoroughly with water.

  • After this, mix the decomposer culture well in 200 litres of water and sprinkle this entire mixture on the cow dung heap.

  • While spraying, if possible keep turning the cow dung pile. By doing this the decomposer culture will get mixed well in the cow dung.

  • In this way, proper moisture should be maintained in the cow dung heap. Due to which cow dung will be converted into manure very quickly.

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