Greening in Potato Tubers

Greening in Potato Tubers –

  • This is a physiological response that occurs when tubers are exposed to light.
  • If plants in the field are not hilled properly so that the upper portions of tubers are exposed to light, these exposed portions will turn green.
  • If harvested potatoes are stored in the home under low levels of light, the tubers will turn pale green.
  • Tubers which turn green produceĀ solaninĀ chemical which imparts a bitter taste to the cooked potatoes.

Precautions –

  • Excessively green potatoes should not be consumed.
  • Greening can be prevented by hilling up around plants to prevent exposure to light.
  • Storing the harvested crop in the dark.
  • If the home storage area is not completely dark, provide dark by storing in paper bags to allow air movement.


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