Gram farmers will get a profit of lakhs, government has issued new rules

Madhya Pradesh Gram Procurement on MSP

Madhya Pradesh government has made a special announcement for the farmers of the state. Under this announcement, from now on, gram farmers will be able to sell up to 40 quintals of gram in a day. Let us inform you that before this, there was a rule to sell only 25 quintals of gram in a day in the state. Where farmers had to wait for the next day to sell the remaining crop. To eliminate this difficulty of the farmers, the government has made a big change in the agricultural rules.

However, along with this, a condition has also been kept for the farmers. Under this, the same farmers will be able to sell 40 quintals of gram every day at the minimum support price, whose land records have been mapped with productivity. At the same time, the minimum support price of gram has been fixed at Rs 5230 per quintal.

Let us inform you that according to the figures released by the government, 114.27 lakh hectares of gram have been sown in the state this year. Accordingly, a record production of 13.12 million tonnes is expected. If this happens, then the farmer brothers of the state will get very good profits this time.

Source: Gaon Connection

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Weed management is necessary in gram crop

Weed management is necessary in gram crop
  • Many types of weeds like Bathua, Khartua, Morva, Pyaji, Motha, Dub etc. grow in the gram crop.

  • These weeds affect the yield by competing with the crop plants for nutrients, moisture, space and light. Apart from this, weeds also cause many diseases and pests in the crop, which also affect the quality of the seed. 

  • Timely control is very important to prevent the damage caused by weeds. Two hoeing is sufficient in gram crop. First, weeding should be done after 20-25 days of sowing and second after 50-55 days.

  • If labourers are not available, spray Pendimethalin 38.7% EC 700 ml per acre in the field within 1-3 days after sowing. Then do one hoeing after 20-25 days of sowing. In this way, the damage caused by weeds in the gram crop can be prevented.

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Purchase of gram, lentil and mustard at support price in Madhya Pradesh till this date

Know the last date of purchase of wheat on support price in Madhya Pradesh

In Madhya Pradesh, procurement of gram, lentil, and mustard at the minimum support price is currently in progress and the last date of this process has now been extended to 29 July. Previously, the last date for procurement by the Agriculture Department was kept on 15 June which has now been extended.

Along with this, it has also been told that now the purchase will be made only from the farmers called by sending SMS. The purpose of doing this is to make storage arrangements simultaneously. On this issue, the state agriculture minister Kamal Patel has appealed to the farmers to keep their crops at home. Every grain of registered farmers’ produce will be purchased.

It is worth noting that so far six lakh 58 thousand tonnes of gram has been purchased in Madhya Pradesh at the support price and farmers have been paid Rs.3,700 crore as its value. Explain that this purchase process was started from May 29 and it will run for 90 days.

Source: Nai Dunia


Suitable time to harvesting of gram

  • When most of the pod is yellow, then gram must be harvested.
  • When the plant dries, and the leaves turn reddish-brown, and the leaves begin to fall, the crop is ready for harvesting.
  • Due to delay in the crop drying and harvesting for a long time, the pods start falling, which reduces yield, so harvesting should be done if the gram has moisture up to about 15 percent.

Weed Management in Gram

  • Weeds affected the yield of a gram by the compete with the plant for nutrient, shade, light, and space and weeds are also attract many insects, pests and diseases and decrease the quality of seeds.

  • Chenopodium album, Melilotus indica, Lathyrus tuberosus, Polygonum aviculare Euphorbia exigua, Sinapis arvensis, etc. are the major weeds of a gram.

  • There are two weddings that should be done in the gram field at 20-25 days after sowing and 50-55 days after sowing.

  • But lack of labor, use pre-emergence herbicide pendimethalin 30 EC @ 2.5 lit./hac. formally in 500-liter water. Then after 20-25 days of sowing may apply first weeding. Then second weeding may apply 50-55 days after sowing.

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Seed Treatment of Chickpea (Gram)

  • Gram should be treated with carboxin 37.5% + Thiram 37.5% or Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% at the rate of 2 gm per kg seed before sowing avoids fungal diseases like root rot, Collar rot and damping off.

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Pod Borer in Gram(Chickpea)

Pod borer is a pest that causes heavy damage to chickpea. In fact, this pest is reported to have caused yield loss of up to 21%. The pest is reported to cause about 50 to 60%  damage to the chick pods. Apart from chickpea the pest also attacks pigeon pea, sunflower, cotton, chili, sorghum, groundnut, tomato, and other agricultural and horticultural crops. It is a devastating pest that attacks pulses and oilseeds.

Infestation: The infestation starts usually a fortnight after germination and becomes serious just after the initiation of flower bud coupled with cloudy and humid weather. Females lay several small white eggs. Upon hatching in 3-4 days the caterpillars feed on the leaves for a short time and subsequently attack the pods. A full-grown caterpillar is about 34 mm long, greenish to brownish in color with scattered, short, white hair and buries itself in the soil to make an earthen cell inside which it pupates. The life cycle is completed in about 30-45 days. The pest completes eight generations in a year.


Control of Fusarium Wilt in Gram

Control of Fusarium Wilt in Gram:- Wilt in chickpea (Gram) caused by Fusarium oxysporum fungi. Warm and humid environment is favourable for it. the prevention of the disease, the following precautions have to be taken.

  • Conserved soil moisture during Monsoon.
  • Level up after deep ploughing (6-7 inch).
  • Use disease-free seed.
  • Follow 6-year crop rotations.
  • Grow resistant varieties.
  • Seed treatment with Carboxin 37.%+ Thiram 37.5% @ 2 gm /kg or Trichoderma viride @ 5 gm/kg.
  • Avoid sowing when temperature are high. Sown in second and third week of October.
  • Irrigation in November-December.
  • Apply Mycorrhiza @ 4 kg/acre at 15 days after sowing.
  • Spraying Thiaphanate methyl 75% WP @ 300 gm/acre at before flowering.
  • Spraying Propiconazole 25% EC @ 125 ml/acre at pod formation stage.

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Prevention of Fusarium Wilt in Gram

Control of Fusarium Wilt in Gram:- Wilt in chickpea (Gram) caused by Fusarium oxysporum fungi. A warm and humid environment is favorable for it. the prevention of the disease, the following precautions have to be taken.

  • Conserved soil moisture during Monsoon.
  • Level up after deep plowing (6-7 inches).
  • Use disease-free seed.
  • Follow 6-year crop rotations.
  • Grow resistant varieties.
  • Seed treatment with Carboxin 37.%+ Thiram 37.5% @ 2 gm /kg or Trichoderma viride @ 5 gm/kg.
  • Avoid sowing when the temperature is high. Sown in the second and third weeks of October.
  • Irrigation in November-December.
  • Apply Mycorrhiza @ 4 kg/acre at 15 days after sowing.
  • Spraying Thiaphanate methyl 75% WP @ 300 gm/acre at before flowering.
  • Spraying Propiconazole 25% EC @ 125 ml/acre at pod formation stage.

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Symptoms of Fusarium wilt

  • Causal organism: Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. Vasinfevtum
  • Wilt is one of major disease of cotton. 
  • Discolorations of leaves start from the margins and spread towards midribs.
  • The veins become darker, narrower and spots.
  • Browning and blackening of vascular tissues.

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