Without Crop Insurance, the damage to the crop will be compensated, know what is the way?

Relief for farmers, Govt. extended the duration of short-term crop loan

If your crop is harmed due to any natural disaster, then it gets to benefit from crop insurance scheme but many times farmers do not join this scheme, then they do not get the benefit of this scheme. However, even in such a situation, farmers can get help from the bank from which they have taken an agricultural loan.

The Reserve Bank of India has given information on this subject on its website. According to this information, in case of more than 33% loss to the crop, the bank from whom the farmer has taken a loan, can get help from there.

What is the procedure?
If the central and state government declares your area as a natural disaster-affected area and your crop is at a loss of 33% or more, then you have to go to the bank and report the loss of your crop and tell that the loan you took, your ability to repay it has been affected.

How much help do you get?
If your crop has suffered from 33 to 50%, then the bank will give an additional 2 years to repay your agricultural loan and no installment will have to be paid for the first year of these two years. On the other hand, if there is more than 50% loss to the crop, then the loan repayment period will increase by 5 years and no installment will have to be paid in the first year.

Source: Jansatta


Crop Insurance Scheme: apply with the necessary documents, to compensate for crop loss

Crop Insurance

Due to natural calamities like unseasonal rains, hailstorms, droughts, etc crops of farmers are often affected. To avoid this, the Central Government had launched the Pradhan Mantri Crop Insurance Scheme. With this scheme, farmers can compensate for their crop losses. This scheme started in the year 2016, so far millions of farmers of the country have benefited.

How to apply?
You can apply for this through the bank and also online. To apply online, go to the link https://pmfby.gov.in/ and fill the form. For this application, a photo and identification card such as PAN card, driving license, voter ID card, or Aadhaar card is required. Apart from this, a document is also required for address proof, for which the farmer has to show the documents related to farming and the Khasra number. For the truth of the crop that has been sown, a letter of pradhan, patwari, or sarpanch has to be given. A cancellation check has to be given so that the claim amount comes directly into the account.

Source: Nai Dunia


Reserve Bank gave relief to crores of farmers, increased the date of repaying crop loans

Gramophone's onion farmer

The Reserve Bank has given relief to crores of farmers amid the ongoing nationwide lockdown due to Corona infection. This relief will be provided to crores of farmers of the country who take crop loans from banks through Kisan Credit Card. The Reserve Bank of India has extended the period for repaying the next installment of the crop loan to 31 May.

Apart from this, RBI has also provided relief in the interest rates of farmers. Now farmers can repay the next installment of their crop loan till May 31 at the old rate of only 4% per annum.

A letter was issued on Wednesday on behalf of the Reserve Bank on this subject. It has been clarified in this letter that along with the benefit of a three months moratorium on crop loans due to the Corona crisis, farmers will not have to pay punitive interest for three months.

Source: Outlook


The government launched FPO Scheme, 86 percent farmers will be benefited.

There’s good news for Indian farmers as the Central Government has recently launched an enthusiastic programme to develop around 10,000 FPOs (Farmers Producers Organisations) throughout the nation. These FPO’s would be beneficial mostly for those small and marginal farmers, whose landholdings are less than one hectare. According to a media report, such farmers account for 86 per cent of total farmers in the country. 

The FPOs (Farmers Producers Organisations) are member-based organisations. Which means that in an FPO, farmers will be the members. These organisations will include experts from various fields like agri-marketing, crop husbandry, value-addition & processing, and Information technology etc. so that they can help farmers on all issues.  The Central government has allocated a fund of Rs 4,496 crore for this project. These FPOs are expected to be set up over a five-year period i.e. till 2024.

This project will provide small farmers with a platform to resolve various challenges in the process of farming. While launching the scheme on Saturday (29 February), the Prime minister himself had said that these FPOs will turn the farmers into businessmen.


क्या है प्रधानमंत्री किसान पेंशन योजना?

  1. आप इसके लिए अपने नजदीकी कॉमन सर्विस सेंटर (CSC) पर जाकर अपना नाम दर्ज करवा सकते हैं।
  2. केंद्रीय कृषि मंत्रालय (Ministry of Agriculture) के संयुक्त सचिव राजबीर सिंह के मुताबिक रजिस्ट्रेशन के लिए कोई फीस नहीं लगेगी।
  3. यदि कोई किसान बीच में स्कीम छोड़ना चाहता है तो उसका पैसा नहीं डूबेगा। उसने स्कीम छोड़ने तक जो पैसे जमा किए होंगे उस पर सेविंग अकाउंट के ब्याज का ब्याज मिलेगा।
  4. वरिष्ठ नागरिक (Senior Citizen) होते ही यानी 60 साल उम्र के बाद हर माह 3000 रुपये पेंशन (Pension) मिलेगी।
  5. इस स्कीम के पात्र 18 से 40 साल उम्र के लोग ही हैं।
  6. 19 साल की उम्र पर 58 रुपये, 20 साल पर 61, 21 पर 64, 22 साल पर 68, 23 पर 72, 24 पर 76,
  7. 25 पर 80, 26 पर 85, 27 पर 90, 28 पर 95, 29 पर 100, 30 साल उम्र पर 105 रुपये प्रतिमाह प्रीमियम देना होगा।
  8. इसी तरह 31 साल के किसान को मासिक 110 रुपये प्रीमियम देना होगा। इसके बाद 40 साल तक हर साल पर 10 रुपये प्रीमियम बढ़ते-बढ़ते 40 साल पर 200 रुपये हो जाएगा।
  9. रजिस्ट्रेशन के लिए चाहिए ये डॉक्यूमेंट्स!
    1.आधार कार्ड
    2.जमीन रिकॉर्ड
    3.बैंक पासबुक
    4.राशन कार्ड
    5. 2 फोटो

क्या है खास

  1. सरकार भी बराबर राशि का पेंशन निधि में अंशदान करेगी
  2. इस योजना के तहत किसान पीएम-किसान स्कीम से प्राप्‍त लाभ में से सीधे ही अंशदान करने का विकल्‍प चुन
    सकते हैं
  3. अगर लाभ पाने वाले व्यक्ति की मौत हो गई, तो उसके पति/पत्नी को 50% रकम मिलती रहेगी. यानी 1500 रुपये प्रतिमाह
  4. इस कोष का प्रबंधन भारतीय जीवन बीमा निगम (एलआईसी) करेगा.
