Fungus-borne disease control in onion nursery

Fungus-borne disease control in onion nursery
  • High soil moisture and moderate temperature along with high humidity, especially in the rainy season led to the development of these diseases.  

  • In onion nursery damping-off, root rot, stem rot, yellowing of leaves, and seedling rot can be observed.

  • These diseases first attack the collar portion and roots of the plant, rotting it and ultimately causing the seedlings to collapse and die. 

  • To avoid it healthy seeds should be selected before sowing.

  • Spray of CARBENDAZIM 12% + MANCOZEB 63% WP@ 30 gram /pump  or THIOPHANATE METHYL 70% W/W @ 60 gm/Pump or MANCOZEB 64%+ METALAXYL 8% WP @60 gram/pump.

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