Field preparation and varieties for watermelon crop

Field preparation and varieties for watermelon crop

Field preparation

  • Before sowing for 10-20 days, mix Trichoderma viride @ 500 gm /acre + FYM @ 4 metric ton/acre + neem cake @ 100 kg/acre in the field.

  • The soil needs to be well prepared for good germination of seeds, after harvesting of the previous crop, one ploughing should be done with the help of earth turning plough and 2-3 ploughing with the help of harrow. If there is less moisture in the soil, then first irrigate then prepare the field, in the last make the field level by using a leveler and make beds of 1.2 m width and 30 cm height for sowing.


Some special varieties of watermelon grown in the Madhya Pradesh region

  • Sagar King – High yield, early maturity, small seeds, oval, up to 3-4 kg, dark black skin, red pulp, ripe fruits can be harvested 60-70 days after sowing, TSS 13.5% . 

  • Seamons Bahubali – Oval, 3-7 kg, full black and shiny, ripe fruits can be harvested 65-70 days after sowing, TSS 15-16.7,

  • Nunhems Max- Ice Box Type Watermelon, oval, 4-5 kg fruit size, dark colored fruit with bright red pulp, ripe fruits can be harvested 70-80 days after sowing, TSS 11-13%

  • Augusta – Sweetness: 11% to 12% Brix, Uniform fruit size, very good adaptability, oval, 7-10 kg, dark green, dark red crisp pulp, ripe fruits are harvested 85 to 90 days after sowing, TSS 11-12%

  • Melody F1- Excellent shipping quality and long shelf life, fruits are oval round with black rind, 4 -5 kg, dark red pulp, small seeds, ripe fruits can be harvested 65-70 days after sowing, ts S 11-12%

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