Fertilizer management at the time of sowing

Fertilizer management at the time of sowing
  • The correct use of fertilizer at the time of sowing is very important for the good production of the soybean crop, which is beneficial for the germination of the crop. 
  • For fertilizer management, use MOP @ kg / acre + DAP @ 40 kg / acre + Caledon 5 kg / acre + Dantotsu 100 g / acre + zinc sulfate at 3 kg / acre + Wokovit @ 3 kg / acre. 
  • Farmers can also use Soya Samdhari Kit.
  • It is very important to have proper moisture in the field at the time of sowing.

Cotton fertilizer management

Apply NPK fertilizers as per soil test recommendations. If soil test recommendations are not available than fertilizer management will be:-

15-20 days after sowing:- After the first shower of Monsoon

  • ( Urea 50 kg + DAP 50 Kg+ MOP 50 Kg + PSB @ 1 ltr.+ KMB @ 1 ltr + NFB @ 1 ltr ) per acre.

30-35 Days after sowing:-

  • ( DAP 50 kg + urea 25 Kg + Mgso410 Kg + Humic acid 250 gm + NFB 1 ltr ) per acre

Spread evenly on the field and then start the irrigation.

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Fertilizer Management In Tinda

  • Add farmyard manure @12 tonnes/acre at the time of field preparation.
  • Application of 30 kg urea, 80 kg single super phosphate and 30 kg murate of Potash per acre at the time of final field preparation.  
  • Apply another 30 kg urea per acre in 2-3 split doses at the time of vining and initial fruit set.
  • Nitrogen deficiency causes yellowing of vine and foliage and checks the vegetative growth.  
  • Whereas the excess dose promotes excess biomes accumulation which reduces-fruiting and produces the number of male flowers which is undesirable
  • Deficiency of K reduces plant height and area of foliage causing flower drop and checks the fruiting.

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Nutrient Management in Okra Crop

The fertilizer dose depends upon the fertility and amount of organic matter applied to the crop. About 20-25 t/ha of farmyard manure is mixed at the time of land preparation….

  • Generally, application of 80 kg N (200 kg Urea), 60 kg P205 (400 kg Single Super Phosphate) and 50 kg K20 (100 kg MOP) is recommended for optimum yield.
  • Half dose of N and a full dose of P and K are applied at the time of planting.
  • The balance half dose of Nitrogen is given 30 days after sowing followed by earthing up operation.
  • For Hybrids Varieties the recommended dose is 150 kg Nitrogen (300 kg Urea), 120 kg P205 (800 kg Single Super Phosphate) and 75 kg K20 (125 kg Muriate of Potash).
  • Out of this dose, 30% of Nitrogen and 50% of Phosphorus and Potassium is applied as a basal dose.
  • Remaining 50% of Phosphorus and 40% of Nitrogen and 25% of Potash is applied as first top dressing four weeks after sowing.
  • Balance quantity of 30% of Nitrogen and 25 % of Potash is applied as second top dressing about seven weeks after sowing.

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