Fertilizer management in 40-60 days in flood irrigated chilli crop

Fertilizer management in 40-60 days in flood irrigated chilli crop
  • Chilli crop remains in the second-growth stage after transplanting in 40-60 days. At this time the flowering stage is in the chilli crop. Fertilizer management is necessary for chilli crops for good flowering. Along with plant growth, it is useful to use major and micronutrients in the crop for good flower and fruit development.

  • All these nutrients fulfil all the elements in the chilli crop, as well as develop immunity to fight diseases in the chilli crop at the time of fruit development. The following products should be used in nutrient management.

  • Use urea at the rate of 45 kg/acre + DAP 50 kg/acre + magnesium sulphate 10 kg/acre + micronutrients at the rate of 10 kg/acre + calcium nitrate @ 5 kg/acre.

  • Urea: Urea is the biggest source of nitrogen supply in chilli crops. With its use, there is no problem with yellowing and drying in the leaves. Urea accelerates the process of photosynthesis.

  • DAP (Di Ammonium Phosphate): Diammonium phosphate is used for the supply of phosphorus. Its use improves root growth and helps in plant growth.

  • Magnesium Sulphate: The use of Magnesium Sulphate in Chilli crops increases greenery and accelerates the process of photosynthesis, ultimately resulting in a higher yield and quality of the crop.

  • Micronutrients: Facilitates the process of photosynthesis in chilli plants. Helps to increase crop production and improve soil health.

  • Calcium Nitrate: Helps in increasing the production of crops. Helps neutralize toxic chemicals within plants.

  • Use all the nutrients by mixing them in the soil. Light irrigation must be done after use.

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