Cotton farmer gets Rs 18 lakh profit due to Gramophone’s advice

Sometimes even a proper advice can bring big changes in your life. A similar change came in the life of Mr. Bajrang Barfa ji of Sali village of Rajpur tehsil of Barwani district when he came in contact with Gramophone. However, it was not that Bajrang was not getting success in farming. He used to earn a little profit from cotton cultivation, sometimes on average, but he wanted to earn more profit than this. During this time he met the field staff of Team Gramophone and then he got such a success which everyone was surprised to see.

In fact, after coming in contact with gramophone, he ordered advanced varieties of seeds from gramophone, gave necessary fertilizer and other medicines at every stage of cotton cultivation according to the opinion of agricultural experts. All these not only reduced the agricultural cost of Bajrang but also doubled the profit from agriculture.

Previously, the cost of cotton cultivation of Bajrang used to go up to 2.5 lakhs, now it has come down to 1.78 lakhs. Apart from this, the profit also increased from Rs 1029000 to Rs 1974500.

After getting advice from Gramophone, many farmers are improving their farming, which is also benefiting them. If you also want to earn more profit from your farming like Bajrang, then take agricultural advice from Gramophone. To contact Gramophone, you can miss call on toll free number 18003157566 or login to Gramophone Krishi Mitra app.


Testing soil with gramophone proved a boon for Khargone farmer

The most important requirement for farming is the soil, hence the healthy soil is very important to get a good production from any crop. The same fact was understood by the farmer Mr. Shekhar Pemaji Chaudhary, a resident of village Pipri under Bhikgaon tehsil of Khargone district. Shekhar had been cultivating bitter gourd for the last few years, in which there was sometimes some loss or even some benefit, but this time he grew bitter gourd as per the advice of Gramophone, in which he got better profit.

This time, Shekhar got Gramophone agricultural experts to conduct soil testing of their fields before cultivation of bitter gourd and also got soil treatment done according to the advice of experts. By doing this, the nutrients in the soil were replenished and it was ready for harvest. After this, Shekhar cultivated bitter gourd and when it came to production, it was much higher than before.

So in this way, soil testing gave Shekhar good production from the bitter gourd crop. If you also want to get your soil tested, then you can contact our toll free number 18003157566 for this. You will be given every information related to soil testing here. Apart from this, you can also login on Gramophone Krishi Mitra app.


Soybean cultivation became profitable for Vishnu Thakur with the help of Gramophone

Vishnu Thakur, a farmer from Birgoda village of Depalpur tehsil of Indore district, has been cultivating for the last 10 years and mainly cultivates crops like soybean, wheat, gram, garlic, potato. Vishnu was troubled by diseases caused in his crops during farming and due to this, he could not get good production from his crop.

When Vishnu was troubled by these problems related to his crops, he came to know about Gramophone and joined it. After connecting with Gramophone, his problems began to be diagnosed. Talking about this, he told Team Gramophone that “My crops have improved after joining Gramophone. Earlier my crops used to be like a loss deal or ‘no profit no loss’, now it is giving profits. Vishnu believes that the Gramophone has made farming a ‘profit business’.

However, Gramophone helped Vishnu to get rid of his troubles. As a result, his soybean production was almost double that of the previous production. While Vishnu first earned a profit of Rs 195000 from soybean cultivation, after joining Gramophone, this profit increased to Rs 380000.

If you too are facing some kind of problem regarding your farming, then like Vishnu, you too can get a diagnosis of your problems by connecting with Gramophone. To connect with Gramophone, you can make a missed call on the toll-free number 1800-315-7566 or login to the Gramophone Krishi Mitra app.


Gramophone’s advice helped a farmer get double profit from cotton farming

The land of India is very fertile and perhaps that is why India has always been an agricultural country. If the farmers get proper guidance, up to 100% can be availed from this fertile land. With the guidance provided by Gramophone, Mr. Shiv Kumar Chauhan, the farmer of Barwani took some similar benefits.

Shiv Kumar, on the advice of gramophone agricultural experts, advanced cotton cultivation and gained tremendous production from the crop. This production earned him a total of Rs 22 lakhs. Here you will be surprised to know that earlier, their income from cotton cultivation was only 11 lakhs. But engagement with Gramophone and guidance from agricultural experts doubled earnings in a single year.

It is worth noting that during the cultivation of cotton, Shiv Kumar consulted the agricultural experts of Gramophone many times and also brought seeds, fertilizers, and medicines. He was surprised when he finally saw the production. Their production doubled as well as the quality of their produce was much better than before.

Today, Shiv Kumar thanks Gramophone, and advises all farmers to join Gramophone so that other farmers like them can also get the benefit and upgrade their agriculture.

You can also get good production from your crop by connecting with Gramophone. To join Gramophone you can give a missed call on our toll-free number 18003157566 or login to Gramophone Krishi Mitra app.


Kaluji, a cotton farmer from Barwani, got double the profit by associating with gramophone

Sometimes the joy of living life is doubled by getting along with someone in life. Farmer Mr. Kaluji Hammad, resident of village Havola, located in Tikri Tehsil of Barwani district got some such enjoyment from meeting with Gramophone. In fact, Kalu ji used to cultivate cotton and also earned a decent income. During this time he came in contact with Gramophone and cultivated cotton on the advice of Gramophone for one year.

During cotton cultivation, Kalu ji consulted agriculture experts of Gramophone many times and also brought seeds, fertilizers and medicines. He was surprised when he finally saw the production. Their production was doubled and yield quality was also better.

Where before they used to have a profit of 2 lakhs, after the support of Gramophone, this profit more than doubled to four and a half lakhs. Not only this, the cost of Kalu ji was also much lower than before. The cost of cotton cultivation used to be 40 thousand earlier, after coming in contact with gramophone, the cost reduced to just 25 thousand.

Today, Kalu ji thanking Gramophone, asks all the farmers to join Gramophone so that those farmers too can benefit like them.

Like Kalu ji, if other farmers are also troubled by any problems related to agriculture or are trying to increase their production, then in this regard, you can consult the agricultural experts by making a missed call on gramophone’s toll free number 18003157566.


A farmer grows disease-free and advanced chilli crop on the advice of Gramophone

The most important requirement for farming is the soil, hence the healthy soil is very important to get good production from any crop. Understanding this fact, Mr. Jitendra Yadav, a farmer of Kharda village under Gogawan tehsil of Khargone district, understood. Jeetendra used Gramophone Soil Samriddhi Kit in his field before chilli cultivation which has also benefited him a lot.

In the Nimar region of Madhya Pradesh, chilli crops usually start in June-July, but Jeetendra started chilli farming in December, which would be called off-season according to that region. In such a situation, the crop is more likely to get diseases, but the opposite happened. However, about 3 months after the sowing of the crop, when the Team Gramophone reached his fields to meet him, Jeetendra looked excited.

Jitendra said that his 50-day old chilli crop is disease-free and healthy. He was very excited to explain the reason behind this. He said that “I had used Gramophone’s Soil Samriddhi Kit before sowing the crop in my field which resulted in this disease-free and healthy crop.”

It is important to note that using Gramophone’s Soil Samriddhi Kit increases the fertility of the fields and the crop does not require any other external nutrients, so Jitendra’s crop was also healthy and did not have any disease. Jeetendra told that he is expecting good production from his crop this time.

Like Jitendra, if other farmers are thinking of cultivating chilli, then they can cultivate summer chilli crop. Sowing for this occurs in March and April. For any type of information related to chilli cultivation or Soil Samriddhi Kit, give a missed call on toll-free number 18003157566.


Khargone farmer gets tremendous production from chilli farming on the advice of Gramophone

Chilli Farmer BErampur tema

There is a very popular story that you must have also heard, in which an ant walks with the grain, falls several times, stands again, and finally reaches its destination. There is a similar story of Shri Kalyan Vishnule, a farmer of Behrampur Tema village under Goganwa Tehsil of Khargone District. Vishnule used to cultivate chilli but he was not getting good production in it.

After failing to get good production twice in a row, when Vishnule was going to cultivate chilli for the third time, he came in contact with Gramophone and cultivated chilli on the advice of Gramophone’s agricultural expert, which resulted in tremendous production. And the quality of the crop was so good that farmers nearby were surprised to see their chillies.

If you too are facing any kind of agriculture-related problems like Vishnule, then immediately give a missed call on our toll-free number 18003157566 or download the Gramophone Krishi Mitra app and get a solution to your problems.


Dheeraj Ramesh Chandra of Indore becomes ‘smart farmer’ with the help of Gramophone

Dheeraj Ramesh Chandra of Indore becomes 'smart farmer' with the help of Gramophone

Dheeraj Ramesh Chandra, a farmer of Karjoda village of Depalpur tehsil of Indore district, has been cultivating since his father’s time. He says that Earlier farming was done in very old ways but now many new ways have come. There are many medicines available in the market, but instead of what we ask for, the shopkeepers give other medicines. That is why there is no trust in these medicines, that the crop will be saved or spoiled.”

When Dheeraj was looking for a solution to these problems, he came in contact with Gramophone. He said that he was getting information about the Gramophone from the people of the village when he was looking for a solution to his problem. After that, he started receiving medicines from Gramophone. He said, “From here I received good quality and original medicines at a reasonable price and at the right time, at my home.

Dheeraj stated the advantages of joining Gramophone and said that “Whenever I encountered any problem in the crop, I took a picture of it and uploaded it to the Gramophone app and I got immediate help from Gramophone.” He also told other farmers that even if you do not use a smartphone, you can solve your problem by giving a missed call to the toll-free number. Finally, he described Gramophone as a true friend and companion of the farmers.


Kishan Chandra of Dewas got bumper production from moong, Said thanks to Gramophone

Kishan Chandra Rathore of village Nemawar under Khategaon tehsil of Dewas

Any farmer does farming so that he gets good profits from it and the two important things to keep in mind to get profit from farming are to ‘reduce the cost of farming’ and to ‘increase production’. Keeping these two points in mind, farmer Kishan Chandra Rathore of village Nemawar under Khategaon tehsil of Dewas district got bumper production from the moong crop last year. Kishan Ji also took help from Gramophone to achieve this bumper production.

Kishan Chandra Ji was associated with Gramophone two years back. Initially, he took some advice from Gramophone, but last year when he was going to cultivate moong, he cultivated half of his 10 acres of land as per Gramophone’s advice and the remaining half based on his past experiences. On the advice of Gramophone, Kishan Chandra Ji put Soil Samriddhi Kit in his fields and kept on consulting the experts from sowing to harvesting, which had an impact on production.

The production figures were surprised when the crop was harvested. In the five-acre field where Kishan Ji cultivated based on his experience, only 18 quintals of moong were produced and the cost was high, while on the advice of Gramophone, the five-acre field produced 25 quintals of moong and also the cost was quite less.

While the recommendation of Gramophone reduced the cost, it increased the production to 7 quintals. Kishan Ji shared the same experiences from last year with Team Gramophone and said that this year too, he will plant the moong crop in his entire 10-acre field on the advice of Gramophone.
