Crops will be damaged due to waterlogging, Know how to drain water from the fields

  • Waterlogging refers to a condition when water is present in excess amount than its optimum requirement. Excess water in the field causes the following losses:-

  • Obstruction of air circulation, fall in soil temperature, accumulation of harmful salts, reduced germination and sometimes seed rot, root rot, reduced activity of beneficial bacteria, reduced nitrogen fixation activity as well as harmful diseases and pests attack etc. Drainage is necessary to reduce waterlogging in the field.

  • Drainage: To increase the yield of the crop, artificially removing excess water from the surface or subsurface of the land is called drainage. Sometimes the problem of drainage arises due to excessive rain or canals.

  • Benefits of Drainage: Proper ventilation, improvement in soil temperature, increased activity of beneficial bacteria, prevention of soil erosion, prevention of harmful pests and diseases, increase the action of nitrogen in plants etc.

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