Importance of PSB in Cowpea

  • PSB also increase the number of leaves and branching of cowpea plant.
  • PSB always promote green pod yield on cowpea plant.
  • Encourage faster root growth for water and nutrient uptake.
  • Increase resistance towards diseases and drought tolerance due to rapid cell development in the plants.
  • Reduce 25 – 30% phosphatic fertilizer requirement.

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Control of anthracnose in cowpea

  • Leaves, stems and pods of cowpea are susceptible to infection.
  • Small reddish-brown, slightly sunken spots form on the pods and rapidly develop into large, dark-sunken lesion.
  • In moist weather, masses of pink spores develop on these lessons.
  • Infection of the leaves causes blacking along the veins particularly on the under surface.
  • Use disease free certified seed.
  • Do not grow cowpea for at least two years in the same land that has carried on infected crop.
  • Remove and destroy the disease infected cowpea plants to check the spread of disease.
  • Treat the seeds with carboxin 37.5 +thiram 37.5% @ 2.5 gm / kg seed.
  • Weekly spray with mancozeb 75% WP@ 400-600/acre.

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Spacing in cowpea

  • Seeds of bushy varieties are dibbled at a spacing of 30 X 5 cm with 1-2 seeds per hole.
  • For semi-trailing varieties provide a spacing of 45 X 30 cm.
  • During rainy season, seeds are sown at the above spacing in raised beds of 90 cm width.
  • Trailing varieties are sown in pits of 45-60 cm diameter and 30-45 cm depth at a spacing of 2 X 2 cm with 3 plants /pit for trailing on bower.

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Land preparation in cowpea

  • Field is Prepared to a fine tilth by is 2-3 ploughing and harrowing.
  • Field is divided into plots of convenient size.

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Nutrition management in cowpea

  • Depending upon availability incorporate 2.5-3.5 tonnes /acre farmyard manure in the soil at the time of field preparation.
  • At the time of final land preparation, 24 kg of Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN) 48 kg of Single Super Phosphate and 20 kg muriate of potash should be applied for one acre.
  • Half of the Nitrogen fertilizers, whole phosphorus and potash may be applied at the time of final ploughing.
  • If seeds are inoculated with rhizobium culture, the dose of CAN be reduced to 16 kg per acre.
  • In zinc deficient areas zinc sulphate @ 8 kg/acre may be applied in soil.
  • Remaining nitrogen may be applied 15-20 days after sowing.

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Irrigation management in cowpea

  • Cowpea is sensitive to waterlogging and requires less moisture compared to other vegetables.
  • Grain types require only 2-3 protective irrigations at flowering and pod development stages.  
  • Water requirement of vegetable type with protected and long fruiting phase is more than grain types.
  • Harden plants by restricting irrigation during pre-flowering stage.

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Staking practice in cowpea

  • Pole types/Climbing type’s varieties are visually trailed to bower or tiles made of bamboo poles and coir or plastic wire.
  • Erect supports with wooden sticks for trailing plants to bower when plants start vining.
  • Nipping of excess vegetative growth is a common practice for including flowering and fruiting in bush and semi trailing cowpea varsities especially when there is rain during flowering and fruiting phase.

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Weed control of cowpea

  • One to two hoeing should be done to control weed and for improving root aeration.    
  • Effective weed management in first 25-30 days of the crop period is essential.
  • pendimethalin 38.7% CS @ 700 ml/acre or alachlor 50% EC @ 1 litres/acre can control the weeds effectively up to 30 days.

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Seed rate of cowpea

  • Seed rate required for vary for various types of cowpea
  • Bushy vegetable types 10-12 kg/acre.
  • Semi trailing vegetable types 10-12 kg/acre.
  • Trailing vegetable types 2-2.5 kg/acre.
  • Dual purpose (For grain and vegetables)
  • Broadcasting sowing method 30-35 kg/acre.
  • Dibbling sowing method 20-30 kg/acre.

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Sowing time of cowpea

  • In most of the areas, cowpea is grown during the rainy and summer season.
  • For monsoon season from early June to end of July.
  • Sowing is February-March is common for summer.
  • In areas having mild climate, it is also grown during winter or Rabi season.
  • In hilly areas, it is sown during April-May.

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