Identification and treatment of root rot disease in cotton crop

Identification and treatment of root rot disease in cotton crop
  • The withering of cotton plants is the first symptom of this disease.
  • Due to this, in severe cases all the leaves may fall or the plant may fall.
  • In this disease, the root bark bursts after yellowing due to which water and nutrients do not reach the plant properly.
  • The entire root system rotting and the plant can be uprooted easily.
  • Initially, only a few plants are affected in the field. Then, with time, the disease spreads around the entire field, forming a circle around these plants.
  • To prevent disease, seeds should be treated @ 5 grams of Trichoderma viride or 10 grams of Pseudomonas fluorescens per kg. or
  • Treat seeds @ 2.5 gm Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP per kg.
  • To protect, spread 2 acres of Trichoderma viride in 4 tons FYM and spread it in an acre field.
  • For disease control, mix 500 gm of Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP or 500 gm Thiophanate Methyl 75% WP or 600 gm Metalaxyl 4% + Mancozeb 64% WP in 200 liters of water and drenching near the stem of the plant.

Management of sucking pests in early stage of Cotton crop

Management of sucking pests in early stage of Cotton crop
  • Insecticide thrips and aphids can attack 10 to 12 days after germination of the cotton crop.
  • These insects sucking on the soft stems and leaves, which makes the plant weak and unable to grow.
  • To protect these thrips and aphids, spray 100 gm Thiamethoxam 25% WG or 100 gm Acetamiprid 20% SP mix with 200 liters of water per acre.
  • Use Bavaria basiana 1 kg per acre by biological means or can also be used in combination with the above pesticide.


Weed Management in Cotton Crop

Weed Management in Cotton Crop
  • For weed control by chemicals, before germination (within 72 hours of sowing) mix 700 ml Pendimethalin 38.7% CS or Pendimethalin 30% EC in 200-liter water and spray it in the soil @ one acre.
  • First-hand weeding should be done by running Kolpa or Dora within 25 to 30 days of crop germination.
  • When weeds are 2-3 leaves stage, Pyrithiobac Sodium 6% EC+ Quizalofop ethyl 4% EC 350 ml per 200 liters of water and sprayed on an acre field. There must be moisture in the field.
  • When narrow-leaf weeds appear in the crop, spray Quizalofop ethyl 5% EC @ 400 ml or Propaquizafop 10% EC @ 300 ml per 200 liters of water in an acre field.
  • For broadleaf weed control, spray the Paraquat dichloride on the soil surface at 24% SL @ 500 ml per acre in 200 liters of clean water while protecting the crop by planting a hood at 1.5 feet of the crop. It is a non-selective weedicide.

How to use the Cotton Samriddhi Kit

  • To use the Cotton Samriddhi Kit, these products should be added to FYM according to the appropriate amount at the time of last ploughing or before sowing on the field.
  • Cotton Samriddhi Kit brought by Gramophone, in which S.K. Biobiz, Gramax, Combat and Taba-G, mixed in one acre area before sowing @ 8.1 kg per 4 tons FYM.

Know the best products of Cotton Samriddhi Kit

The use of the Gramophone “Cotton Samriddhi Kit” will prove to be a boon for your cotton crop. Let us know about the best products in this kit.

  • S.K. Biobiz: There is a consortium of NPK bacteria that consist of Azotobacter, Phosphorus Solubilizing Bacteria, and Potassium Mobilizing Bacteria. Which provides nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to the plants.
  • Gramaxx: This product is rich in elements like humic acid, amino acids, seaweed, and mycorrhiza.
  • Combat: This product contains Trichoderma viride which is capable of preventing most harmful fungi found in soil.
  • Taba-G: It contains Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria, which provides Zinc elements to the plant.

Increase cotton yield by improving land management before sowing

  • After starting the cultivation process in cotton with deep plowing and 3-4 times with harrow so that the soil is brittle and increases the water holding capacity. The harmful pests present in the soil, their eggs, pupa, and the spores of fungi are also destroyed by doing this act.
  • Cotton Samriddhi Kit released by Gramophone has many products for soil treatment that improve land management. This Kit contains zinc solubilizing bacteria, seaweed, amino acids, humic acids, mycorrhiza, Trichoderma viridi, and NPK consortia bacteria.
  • 8.1 kg Cotton Samriddhi Kit mixed with 4 tons FYM and spread in the one-acre field before sowing.
  • The soil structure and water holding capacity of the land are improved by doing this act, along with the complete growth and overall nutritional growth of plants, there is also protection from harmful soil has borne fungal diseases.

How to protect the cotton crop from the white grub

How to protect the cotton crop from the white grub
  • White grub is a white-colored insect which is damaged in cotton crop.
  • the system from inside the ground due to which the plant turns yellow and becomes dry.
  • In summer, the insect can be destroyed by deep plowing and cleaning the fields.
  • Through bio-control, mix 2-4 kg of Metarhizium anisopliae (Kalachakra) in 50 kg FYM or compost manure before sowing or before the first rain in the field. or
  • Fenpropathrin 10% EC @ 500 ml or clothianidin 50% WDG @ 100 gm mixed in 200 liters of water and drenching per acre.

Advantages of Cotton Samriddhi Kit’ products

  • It helps in improving the yield by increasing the productivity of the soil.
  • Cotton Samriddhi Kit helps in increasing organic carbon.
  • These products improve fertilizer use efficiency and increase yield with yield quality, which can reduce the number of chemical fertilizers.
  • Its function is to increase pre-sprout growth by root development and to develop plant health.
  • It also increases the activity of microorganisms in the soil by improving soil structure.
  • Protects from soil-borne diseases like root rot, wilt, damping-off in the crop.
  • Continuous supply of nitrogenous fertilizer, phosphatic, potash, and zinc nutrients reduces fertilizer input cost.
  • These products are organic which do not leave any toxic effect.
    This improves soil pH and water holding capacity.


Best products and uses of Cotton Samriddhi Kit

  • S. K. Biobiz: There is a consortia of NPK bacteria which is composed of Azotobacter, Phosphorus Solubilizing Bacteria, and Potassium Mobilizing Bacteria. Which provides nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to the plants. 100 grams of NPK bacteria should be mixed with 4 tons FYM @ 1 acre and dispersed in the field at the time of final plowing.
  • Gramaxx: This product is rich in elements like humic acid, amino acids, seaweed, and mycorrhiza. It should be mixed with 4 tons FYM @ 2 kg per acre and scattered in the field at the time of final plowing.
  • Combat: This product contains Trichoderma viride which is capable of preventing most harmful fungi found in soil. It is used for seed treatment 4 gram per kg seed and soil treatment by mixing 2 kg Combat with 4 tons FYM per acre.
  • Taba-G: It contains Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria, which provides Zinc elements to the plant. It is used to spread in the one-acre field by mixing 4 kg per 4 ton FYM at the time of the last plowing.


How to do Seed treatment of cotton seeds before sowing

How to do Seed treatment of cotton seeds before sowing
  • Start seed treatment with 2.5 gm carbendazim 12% + mancozeb 63% WP followed by 5 ml imidacloprid 48% FS and the next treatment with 2 gm PSB bacteria and Trichoderma viride @ 5-10 gm per kg seed.
  • These treatments have protection from fungal diseases and sucking insects along with phosphorus in the available condition which improves root growth.
  • Remember that fungicide should be used first, then insecticide, and finally bio culture.