Management of Thrips in Cotton

Management of Thrips in Cotton:-

Nature of Damage of Thrips:-

  • Nymphs and adults lacerate the tissue and suck the sap from the upper and lower surfaces of leaves.They inject saliva and suck the lysed contents of plant cells resulting in silvery or brown necrotic spots.
  • Seedlings infested with thrips grow slow and the leaves become wrinkled curl upwards and distorted with white shiny patches.
  • Rusty appearances in patches develop on under surface of leaves.
  • Higher infestation during vegetative crop growth results in late bud formation.
  • During the fruiting phase there is premature dropping of squares and the crop maturity is delayed combined with yield reduction.
  • The feeding by thrips on the developing bolls late in the season cause spots or wounds on the ripening of the ball or the quality of the seed.


  • Seed treatment – Imidacloprid 60 FS @ 10 ml/kg or thiamethoxam 70 WS @ 5 g/kg seeds applied as seed treatment are efficient in suppressing the population of other sucking pest on cotton seedling.
  • Maintaining weed free conditions in cotton field from the spread of development of thrips.
  • Insecticidal options should be made when thrips infection results in high grade injury during clear sky period with no anticipated rains.
  • Spray of NSKE prepared on farm or crude neem oil spray @ 75 ml per pump suppress thrips population during pre squaring crop stage in both cases detergent / soap powder @ 1 gm / litre of spray fluid is to be added for getting uniform spray suspension.
  • Chemical Spray:- Spray any one Following insecticide.
  1. Profenofos 50% EC @ 50 ml/ Pump.
  2. Acetamiprid 20 SP @ 15 gm/Pump.
  3. Imidacloprid 17.8% SL @ 7 ml/pump.
  4. Thiamethoxam 25% WG @ 5 gm/pump.
  5. Fipronil 5% SC @ 40 ml/Pump.

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What and When spraying in cotton ?

The cotton crop of all the farmers has become almost 35-45 days, and all the farmers are preparing for the first spray after rains. Gramophone advises you to spray in cotton as follows.

  1. After sowing 20-30 days of first spray :- Imidacloprid 17.8% SL @ 100-120 ml + 19:19:19 @ 1 kg or Vipul @ 250 ml + carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP @ 400 gm per acre. With the help of this spray we can protect crop from sucking pest and initial fungus infection. This spray also provide essential nutrition in intial growing stage.
  2. Second spray 40-45 days after sowing :- Monocrotophos 36% SL or Acephate 50% + Imidacloprid 1.8% SP with Profenofos 40% EC+ Cypermethrin 5% EC with Dhanzyme Gold @ 250ml or Vipul booster @ 300 ml per acre. With the help of this spray, we can control caterpillars and eggs with nutrition.

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Why use Magnesium on cotton crop

  • Magnesium plays an important role in the process of plant photosynthesis and is a key element in chlorophyll, it is one of the most important nutrients, involved in many enzyme activities and the structural stabilization of Plant Tissues. 
  • Deficiency symptoms (25-30 DAS) first appear on the lower leaves and shed prematurely, showing purplish red leaves with green veins.
  • Magnesium deficiency in soil can be arrested by applying Magnesium sulfate 9.5% @ 10 kg/acre as Basal dosage at the time of Sowing.
  • Magnesium sulfate @ 70-80 gram per acre is sprayed twice a week in order to remove the lack of magnesium deficiency in cotton crop.

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Cotton fertilizer management

Apply NPK fertilizers as per soil test recommendations. If soil test recommendations are not available than fertilizer management will be:-

15-20 days after sowing:- After the first shower of Monsoon

  • ( Urea 50 kg + DAP 50 Kg+ MOP 50 Kg + PSB @ 1 ltr.+ KMB @ 1 ltr + NFB @ 1 ltr ) per acre.

30-35 Days after sowing:-

  • ( DAP 50 kg + urea 25 Kg + Mgso410 Kg + Humic acid 250 gm + NFB 1 ltr ) per acre

Spread evenly on the field and then start the irrigation.

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Weed Management in Cotton :-


  • For Narrow Leaf Weeds :- Apply Quizalofop ethyl 5% EC @400 ml/Acre OR Propaquizafop 10% EC 300 ml/Acre.
  • For BroadLeaf Weeds:- Apply Paraquat Dichloride 24% SL  @ 500 ml/Acre ( When crop gets height 1.5 feet then spray on the soil surface with avoiding crop ). This is a nonselective herbicide. Use a cap on spray nozzle before spraying.


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Basis for selection of Cotton variety:-

On the Basis of Soil Type:-

Light to Medium Soil:-  Neo (Rasi).

Heavy Soil:- Rch 659 BG II, Magna (Rasi), Moksha BG2 ( Aditya), Super Cot Bt-II (Prabhat).

On the basis of Irrigation source:-

Rainfed:- Jadoo (Kaveri), Moksha BG2 ( Aditya).

Semi-irrigated:-  Neo, Magna (Rasi), Moneymaker (Kaveri), Super Cot Bt-II (Prabhat).

Irrigated:-  Rch 659 BG II (Rasi), Jadoo (Kaveri).

On the Basis of Plant habit:-

  Erect:-  Jadoo (Kaveri), Moksha BG2 ( Aditya), Bhakti (Nuziveedu).

    Bushy varieties:- Rch 659 BG-II (Rasi), Super Cot Bt-II (Prabhat).

On the Basis of Crop duration:-

   Early variety (140-150 days)

Rch 659 BG-II (Rasi).

Bhakti (Nuziveedu).

Super Cot Bt- II (Prabhat).

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How to get more profit from cotton crop

The cotton system is ideally suitable for intercropping because of the relatively long duration and its slow growth in the initial stages. The objective of intercropping is to obtain a maximum yield of cotton crop along with additional returns from intercrops. The common practice of cotton cultivation is inter or mixed cropping with pulses.

Under irrigated conditions following intercropping systems are recommended:

  • Cotton + chilli (1: 1)
  • Cotton + onion (1: 5)
  • Cotton + soybean (1: 2)
  • Cotton + Sunhemp (As green manure) (1: 2)

Under rainfed conditions adopt the following intercropping systems:

  • Cotton + onion (1: 5)
  • Cotton + chilli (1: 1)
  • Cotton + groundnut (1: 3)
  • Cotton + green gram (1: 3)
  • Cotton + soybean (1: 3)
  • Cotton + peas (1: 2)

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Field Management in cotton

  • Better crop production can be taken only by the better Field management system.
  • Before sowing the crop, deep ploughing 2 to 3 times and leave the field open for 2-3 days.
  • Weeds are destroyed by deep ploughing and increase the water holding capacity in the soil and the pupa/cocoons of insects present in the field are destroyed and then flatten the field by Bakhar/patella.
  • 10-15 days before sowing, Apply FYM @ 10 tons/acre in the field.
  • Apply Trichoderma viride +Trichoderma harzianum @ 2kg + 50 kg FYM for control of soil-borne diseases.

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Basis for selection of Cotton vareity

On the Basis of Soil Type:-

Light to Medium Soil :-   Neo (Rasi).

Heavy Soil:- Rch 659 BG II, Magna (Rasi), Moksha BG2 ( Aditya), Super Cot Bt-II    


On the basis of Irrigation source:-

Rainfed:- Jadoo (Kaveri), Moksha BG2 ( Aditya).

Semi-irrigated:-  Neo, Magna (Rasi), Moneymaker (Kaveri), Super Cot Bt-II (Prabhat).

Irrigated:-  Rch 659 BG II (Rasi), Jadoo (Kaveri).

On the Basis of Plant habit:-

  Erect:-  Jadoo (Kaveri),  Moksha BG2 ( Aditya), Bhakti (Nuziveedu).

    Bushy varieties:- Rch 659 BG-II (Rasi), Super Cot Bt-II (Prabhat).

On the Basis of Crop duration :-

   Early variety (140-150 days)

  • Rch 659 BG-II (Rasi).
  • Bhakti (Nuziveedu).
  • Super Cot Bt- II (Prabhat).

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Management of Mealy Bug in Cotton

Management of Mealy Bug in Cotton:-

  • Heavy clustering of mealy bugs usually seen under surface of leaves as a thick mat with waxy secretion.
  • Excrete copious amount of honey dew on which the fungus sooty mould grow.
  • Affected plants appear sick and black, resulting reduced fruiting capacity.


  • Remove the alternate weeds hosts.
  • Monitor the incidence regularly and look for crawler emergence.
  • Take up the management at intial stage to get maximum control.
  • Wherever necessary use neem based botanical insecticides such as neem oil @ 75 ml per pump or NSKE @ 75 ml per pump.
  • Use of Dimethoate @ 30 ml/pump or Profenophos @ 40 ml/pump or Buprofezin @ 50 ml/pump may be adopted as an alternative.

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