How to get more profit from cotton crop

The cotton system is ideally suitable for intercropping because of the relatively long duration and its slow growth in the initial stages. The objective of intercropping is to obtain a maximum yield of cotton crop along with additional returns from intercrops. The common practice of cotton cultivation is inter or mixed cropping with pulses.

Under irrigated conditions following intercropping systems are recommended:

  • Cotton + chilli (1: 1)
  • Cotton + onion (1: 5)
  • Cotton + soybean (1: 2)
  • Cotton + Sunhemp (As green manure) (1: 2)

Under rainfed conditions adopt the following intercropping systems:

  • Cotton + onion (1: 5)
  • Cotton + chilli (1: 1)
  • Cotton + groundnut (1: 3)
  • Cotton + green gram (1: 3)
  • Cotton + soybean (1: 3)
  • Cotton + peas (1: 2)

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