Gramophone’s advice increases cotton farmer profit from 6 lakhs to 12 lakhs

The Government of India is taking many major decisions on the goal of doubling the income of farmers. Gramophone, a true partner of farmers, is doing something similar at its level since 2016. During the last 3 to 4 years, the income of many farmers associated with Gramophones has doubled. One of them is Mukesh Mukati, a cotton farmer of Sali village of Rajpur tehsil under the Barwani district. Mukesh had been cultivating cotton for many years and he used to get a little profit. But he was not completely satisfied with this and in the meantime, he came in contact with Gramophone.

After coming in contact with the gramophone, Mukesh started taking the advice of experts for cotton cultivation and took care of everything that the experts told him during the harvest cycle. As a result, Mukesh’s agricultural costs were reduced considerably and profits doubled.

Earlier Mukesh used to earn up to 6 lakhs from cotton cultivation on his 14 acres of land. But on the advice of Gramophone, when he did farming, his earnings doubled to 12 lakhs. Not only this, the cost of farming which used to go up to 3 lakhs, has now come down to 2 lakh 15 thousand.

If you also want to make a similar difference in your agriculture like Mukesh, then you can also join Gramophone. To connect with Gramophone, give a missed call on the toll-free number 18003157566 or login to the Gramophone Krishi Mitra app.


Gramophone’s advice helped a farmer get double profit from cotton farming

The land of India is very fertile and perhaps that is why India has always been an agricultural country. If the farmers get proper guidance, up to 100% can be availed from this fertile land. With the guidance provided by Gramophone, Mr. Shiv Kumar Chauhan, the farmer of Barwani took some similar benefits.

Shiv Kumar, on the advice of gramophone agricultural experts, advanced cotton cultivation and gained tremendous production from the crop. This production earned him a total of Rs 22 lakhs. Here you will be surprised to know that earlier, their income from cotton cultivation was only 11 lakhs. But engagement with Gramophone and guidance from agricultural experts doubled earnings in a single year.

It is worth noting that during the cultivation of cotton, Shiv Kumar consulted the agricultural experts of Gramophone many times and also brought seeds, fertilizers, and medicines. He was surprised when he finally saw the production. Their production doubled as well as the quality of their produce was much better than before.

Today, Shiv Kumar thanks Gramophone, and advises all farmers to join Gramophone so that other farmers like them can also get the benefit and upgrade their agriculture.

You can also get good production from your crop by connecting with Gramophone. To join Gramophone you can give a missed call on our toll-free number 18003157566 or login to Gramophone Krishi Mitra app.


Kaluji, a cotton farmer from Barwani, got double the profit by associating with gramophone

Sometimes the joy of living life is doubled by getting along with someone in life. Farmer Mr. Kaluji Hammad, resident of village Havola, located in Tikri Tehsil of Barwani district got some such enjoyment from meeting with Gramophone. In fact, Kalu ji used to cultivate cotton and also earned a decent income. During this time he came in contact with Gramophone and cultivated cotton on the advice of Gramophone for one year.

During cotton cultivation, Kalu ji consulted agriculture experts of Gramophone many times and also brought seeds, fertilizers and medicines. He was surprised when he finally saw the production. Their production was doubled and yield quality was also better.

Where before they used to have a profit of 2 lakhs, after the support of Gramophone, this profit more than doubled to four and a half lakhs. Not only this, the cost of Kalu ji was also much lower than before. The cost of cotton cultivation used to be 40 thousand earlier, after coming in contact with gramophone, the cost reduced to just 25 thousand.

Today, Kalu ji thanking Gramophone, asks all the farmers to join Gramophone so that those farmers too can benefit like them.

Like Kalu ji, if other farmers are also troubled by any problems related to agriculture or are trying to increase their production, then in this regard, you can consult the agricultural experts by making a missed call on gramophone’s toll free number 18003157566.
