Soil solarization in chilli nursery

  • For chilli nursery, April-May is a suitable time for soil solarization. As the temperature rises up to 40 ºC at this time.
  • Spread transparent polythene of 200 gauges (50 Micron) on the whole nursery area for about 5-6 weeks.
  • The margin of the polythene should be covered by wet soil (compressed mud) to check the entry of air.
  • After 5-6 weeks remove the polythene sheet.

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Disease Free Nursery bed preparation and Season of Transplanting for Chilli

Nursery bed preparation for Chilli:-

  • The soil should be dry and ploughed thoroughly to bring fine tilth.
  • The size of the nursery to raise seedlings for planting a hectare of chilli would be 180 m x 1.2 m (divided into 3 m x 1.2 m smaller beds).
  • One cartload of well rotten powdered FYM or sieved compost should be spread and 10 kg of super phosphate is mixed thoroughly with the soil.
  • Aldrin or Dialdrin wettable powder 30 gm per bed should be applied to keep away the white ants.
  • The bed usually kept raised about 15 cm. high so as to provide proper drainage of excess water.
  • One week before sowing the soil should be sterilized by drenching with commercial formalin (formaldehyde 40%) at 1:100 dilution at the rate of 5 liter per sq/meter against damping off disease.

Disease Free Nursery Raising

  • Healthy seed should be selected for sowing.
  • The seed should be treated with Thiram+Carboxin @ 2g/kg of seed before sowing.
  • Continuous raising of nursery in the same plot should be avoided.
  • The top soil of nursery should be treated with Carbendazim 12%+ Mancozeb 63% @ 5g/m area of the soil and nursery should be drenched with the same chemical @ 2g/litre of water at fortnight interval.
  • Soil solarization by spreading 250 gauge polythene sheet over the bed for 30 days before sowing in summer season should be done.
  • Application of bio-control agent Trichoderma viride in soil @ 1.2kg/ha is also found effective to control damping-off to considerable extent.

Season of Transplanting:-

  • August is the best time for planting and the next best month is September.
  • August planting gives maximum plant spread, plant height and yield.

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Management of Chilli Thrips

Management of Chilli thrips


  • The infested leaves develop crinkles and curl upwards.
  • Elongated petiole.
  • Buds become brittle and drop down.
  • Early stage, infestation leads to stunted growth and flower production, fruit set are arrested.

  • Do not grow chilli after sorghum.
  • Do not follow chilli and onion mixed crop.
  • Sprinkle water over the seedlings to check the multiplication of thrips.
  • Treat seeds with imidacloprid 70% WS @ 12 g/kg of seed.
  • Apply carbofuran 3% G @ 33 kg/ha or phorate 10 % G  @ 10 kg/ha or
  • Spray any one of the following insecticide.


             Insecticide Dose
Imidacloprid 17.8 % SL 100 ml/acre.
Dimethoate 30 % EC 300 ml/acre.
Emamectin benzoate 5 % SG 100 gm/acre
Profanofos 50% E.C. 500 ml/acre
Fipronil 5 % SC 500 ml/acre.
Spinosad 45 % SC 70 ml/acre.

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Control of Fruit Rot and Dieback in Chillies

Fruit Rot and Dieback in Chillies:-This disease is observed at the flowering stage of chilli growth. Flowers dry up resulting in profuse shedding. The flower stalk shrivels. This drying up spreads from the flower stalks to the stem, resulting in dieback of the branches and stem.

Control :- Better control of the disease sprayings with Thiophanate methyl 70 % WP @ 30 Gm/Pump or Hexaconazole 5% + Captan 70% WP @ 25 Gm/pump.The first spraying should be given just before flowering and the second at the time of fruit formation. Third spraying may be given a fortnight after second spraying.

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Time of Transplanting of Chilli

Time of Transplanting of Chilli:-

  • Transplanting of chilli is done from July to September.
  • The month of August is best for transplanting of Chilli, then the month of September is good.
  • In August, plant growth and yield is high.

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Basal dose of fertilizers for Chilli

Basal dose of fertilizers for Chilli:-

  • Apply NPK fertilizers as per soil test recommendations.
  • If soil test recommendations are not availables, Apply DAP 100 Kg, Urea 50 Kg and MOP 50 Kg per Acre at before sowing.
  • Basal application of fertilizer can be vary on soil, variety and other factors.

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Land Preparation of Chilli

Land Preparation of Chilli:-

  • The field is ploughed to fine tilth by giving four to five ploughing with a sufficient interval between two ploughing.
  • Well decomposed FYM (15-20 tonnes/ha.) is thoroughly incorporated at the time of land preperation.
  • Total P & K and third of nitrogen can be applied basally.

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Suitable Soil for Chilli Production

Suitable Soil for Chilli Production

  • Soil are grown in many types of soils provided they are well drained, well aerated and field organic matter.
  • The drained conditions cause shedding of leaves, sickly appearance and fruit drop. 
  • An ideal soil for chilli is light loamy or sandy loam rich in lime and organic matter.
  • Strongly acid and alkaline soil are not suitable for chilli.
  • Chilli is successfully grown on soil of ph of 6-7.
  • High salinity reduces germination and vigour of plants.

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Suitable Climate for Chilli

Suitable Climate for Chilli :-

  • It is grown in tropical and sub tropical region requiring a warm humid climate.
  • Ideal temperature range for good plant growth and fruit development is 15-30 oC.
  • It can be grown successfully as a rainfed crop in areas receiving an annual rainfall of 1200mm.
  • High temperature (37 oC to more) during summer accelerates flower and fruit drop causing poor fruit set.
  • A day length of 9-10 hours light stimulates plants growth and increases the productivity by 21-24% besides improving the quality of capsicum.
  • Pungent chillies are susceptible to frost.

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Management of Mosaic Virus in chilli


  • The important symptoms of the disease are Vein clearing. Yellowing and malformation of younger leaves, followed by conspicuous mosaic.
  • Severe mottling with light and dark green patches. Scattered all over the leaf surface.
  • Slight curling, marginal rolling and shortening of leaves takes place.


  • Uprooting the infected plants.
  • Cultivate of resistant/tolerant varieties like Pusa Jwala, Pant C-1, Pusa- Sadabahar, Panjab lal etc.
  • Spray Dimethoat @ 2ml/litre of water at regular intervals to reduce the vectors.

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