Chilli nursery spray schedule

The nursery is well prepared for good yield If the plant will remain healthy in the nursery, then the plant will be very strong after transplanting in the field, so take proper care of the plant in the nursery. In order to prepare good plants, gramophone advised the farmer, spray three times in the nursery, which is as follows.

First Spray at 12 DAS:-

  • Thiamethoxam 25% WP 8 gm/pump + Amino acid 20 ml/pump. ( To control soil-borne pest and seedling nutrition )

Second Spray at 20 DAS:-

  • Metalaxyl-M ( Mefanoxam ) 4% + Mancozeb 64% WP 30 gm/pump. ( To control soil-borne diseases like damping off )

Third Spray at 28 DAS:-

  • Thiamethoxam 25% WP 8-10 gm/pump + Humic Acid 10-15 gm/pump. ( To control soil-borne pest )

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Nursery Management in Chilli

The nursery is well prepared for good yield If the plant will remain healthy in the nursery, then the plant will be very strong after transplanting in the field, so take proper care of the plant in the nursery. In order to prepare good plants, gramophone advised the farmer, spray three times in the nursery, which is as follows.

  • First Spray at 12 DAS:- Thiamethoxam 25% WP 8 gm/pump + Amino acid 20 ml/pump. ( To control soil-borne pest and seedling nutrition )
  • Second Spray at 20 DAS:- Metalaxyl-M ( Mefanoxam ) 4% + Mancozeb 64% WP 30 gm/pump. ( To control soil-borne diseases like damping off )
  • Third Spray at 28 DAS:-  Thiamethoxam 25% WP 8-10 gm/pump + Humic Acid 10-15 gm/pump. ( To control soil-borne pest )

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Chilli Nutrient Management

  • Generally, the farmers transplant chilli from 15th June to 15th July.
  • At the time of Field preparation, we should apply FYM @ 10 tonnes/acre.
  • At the time of Transplanting, Apply DAP 50 kg/acre + MOP 50 kg/acre + Micronutrient 1kg/acre + Sulfur 90% 6 kg/acre as basal dosage.

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Practice at time of transplanting for chilli crop

  • Under rainfed conditions, 15 X 56 cm within plants and between rows (2 seedlings/hill).
  • Under irrigated conditions, for light soil, 45 X 75 cm within plants and between rows (2 seedlings/hill).
  • Under irrigated conditions, for heavy soil, 60 X 60 cm within plants and between rows (2 seedlings/hill).

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Irrigation Management for chilli crop

  • Irrigation is given after transplanting the crop and before top dressing of urea.
  • Timely irrigation is essential for good growth, flowering, and development of fruits.
  • During the first month of transplanting, light irrigation is required.
  • In summer, irrigation on alternate days is essential in light soil.
  • Chilli is highly sensitive to water stagnation and cannot withstand water logging even for one day.

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Spray Schedule in nursery

The nursery is well prepared for good yield If the plant will remain healthy in the nursery, then the plant will be very strong after transplanting in the field, so take proper care of the plant in the nursery. In order to prepare good plants, gramophone advised the farmer, spray three times in the nursery, which is as follows.

  • First Spray at 12 DAS:- Thiamethoxam 25% WP 8 gm/pump + Amino acid 20 ml/pump. ( To control soil-borne pest and seedling nutrition )
  • Second Spray at 20 DAS:- Metalaxyl-M ( Mefanoxam ) 4% + Mancozeb 64% WP 30 gm/pump. ( To control soil-borne diseases like damping off )
  • Third Spray at 28 DAS:-  Thiamethoxam 25% WP 8-10 gm/pump + Humic Acid 10-15 gm/pump.   ( To control soil-borne pest )

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For the next 10 days, what will be the preparation of chillies

It’s  been 8 to 10 days since chili has been sown, the next 10 days proper crop life cycle management is essential for optimum productivity, the following methods should be adopted in doing so

  • First Spray at 12 DAS:- Thiamethoxam 25% WP 8 gm/pump + Amino acid 20 ml/pump.( To control soil-borne pest and seedling nutrition )
  • Second Spray at 20 DAS:- Metalaxyl-M ( Mefanoxam ) 4% + Mancozeb 64% WP 30 gm/Pump. ( To control soil-borne diseases like damping off )
  • If there are other pests and diseases or any problem related to farming, then you can call on our toll-free no.1800-315-7566.

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How to maintain healthy chilli nursery

A major Problem:- Damping off

  1. In the nursery the disease may appear in patches, Seedlings die due to this disease before or after emergence.
  2. If we carefully dig down into the soil, you will find seeds that have become soft and mushy which will start to disintegrate.
  3. The stem of young seedlings showing water soaking lesions, brownish color and shriveling of the stem which fall over and die.
  4. Optimal conditions for the development of the disease are:- Poor drainage, High relative humidity (90-100%) and higher soil temperature (20-28 °C)  


  • Provide light, but frequent irrigation with better drainage.
  • Thiophanate methyl applies on soil 0.5 gm/square meter at the time of nursery bed preparation.
  • Second Spray at 20 DAS:- Metalaxyl-M ( Mefanoxam ) 4% + Mancozeb 64% WP 500 gm/acre.

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How to prepare Nursery for chilli

  • TIME: Ideally nursery should be prepared between the 1st May to 30th May.
  • The first step is to pulverize the soil with a fine tilth.
  • An area of 60 sqm should be divided into 16-18 beds measuring 3meters/1.25 meters in length and width, this should be enough for 1 acre of transplanting.
  • 150Kg decomposed FYM with 750gm DAP should be enough to fertilize an area of 60sqm.
  • Thiophanate methyl 0.5gm/sqm should be applied to avoid fungal infestation.
  • Seed rate of chili is 100gm/Acre.

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Popular varieties of chilies preferred by farmers of Madhya Pradesh

Farmers start nursery preparation for chilly in Nimar region from 3rd week of April. 5-7 days before from sowing are an important time for selection of variety. Selection of the right variety is a key factor for yield improvement. Right variety depends upon our farming purpose. So we are telling here some unique characteristics for popular varieties.

For green chili production

  • Nanditha (Nunhems)
  • HPH -12 (Syngenta)
  • Ujala (Nunhems)
  • MHCP 310 – Teja  (Mahyco)

For red chili production.

  • Sonal (Rasi Seeds )
  • US 720  (Nunhems)
  • US 611 (Nunhems)
  • HPH-12 (Syngenta)

For tolerant to virus infection

  • HPH-12 (Syngenta)
  • Sonal (Rasi Seeds)
  • Pride (Rasi Seeds)
  • Nanditha (Nunhems)

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