Causes and control of tomato fruit cracking

Causes and control of tomato fruit cracking

The problem of fruit cracking is increasing in tomato cultivation. This problem is more at the time of ripening of fruits. It is becoming difficult for farmers to get rid of this problem due to a lack of proper knowledge about the cause of fruit cracking and its control. Torn fruits are also not sold in the market. Due to this, the farmers suffer huge losses.

Reasons for cracking tomato fruits

  • Not irrigating at the right time

  • Due to lack of boron

  • Due to changes in temperature

  • Use of excessive amounts of nitrogen at the time of flowering.

  • Potash deficiency also causes this problem.

Ways to prevent tomato fruits from cracking

  • Irrigate at a fixed interval to maintain moisture in the soil.

  • To compensate for Boron deficiency, apply 3 to 4 kg of Borax per acre in the field.

  • Reduce the use of urea after flowering in plants. Use water-soluble NPK 19:19:19 fertilizer instead of urea.

  • Before transplanting the plants, add potash to the main field. This will complete the deficiency of potash in the plants and it will increase immunity.

  • Use 2 grams of Boron 20% per litre of water mixed with sticker.

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