How to Control Downy Mildew in Cauliflower

  • Proper water management so that there is no excess moisture on the soil surface.
  • Saaf (Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP) @ 300-400 gm/acre or
  • Ridomil gold (Metalaxyl 4%+ Mancozeb 64% WP) @ 300-400 gm/acre.
  • Amistar (Azoxystrobin 23%Sc) @ 200 ml/acre.
  • Netivo (Tebuconazole50%+Trifloxystrobin 25%WG) can be sprayed @120 gm/acre.
  • Follow the crop cycle and keep the field clean.

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Spacing for Cauliflower

  • The planting distance may vary according to variety early, mid and late.
  • planting seasons (Rabi, Kharif, and Zaid ) and soil conditions (light, medium and heavy).
  • The following distances are generally recommended on the basis of the maturity of varieties.
  • For early varieties:- 45 X 45 cm.
  • For midĀ  varieties:- 60 X 40 cm.
  • For lateĀ  varieties:- 60 X 60 cm. or 60 X45 cm.

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Field Preparation for Cauliflower

  • 1 to 2 corrosive plowing by a soil turning plow followed by 3 to 4 plowing with desi plow is enough for it.
  • Well, rotten compost or farmyard manure is mixed in soil at the time of plowing.
  • If the soil is infested with nematodes Carbofuran @ 10 kg/Acre.
  • Ridges and furrow type of layout is used for the crop.

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How to Control Downy Mildew in Cauliflower

  • Proper water management so that there is no excess moisture on the soil surface.
  • Saaf (Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP) @ 300-400 gm/acre or
  • Ridomil gold (Metalaxyl 4%+ Mancozeb 64% WP) @ 300-400 gm/acre.
  • Amistar (Azoxystrobin 23%Sc) @ 200 ml/acre.
  • Netivo (Tebuconazole50%+Trifloxystrobin 25%WG) can be sprayed @120 gm/acre.
  • Follow the crop cycle and keep the field clean.

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What’re the Symptoms of Downy Mildew in Cauliflower

  • The stem shows dark brown, depressed lesions which later develop downy growth of the fungus.
  • On leaves, purplish-brown spots appear on the under surface followed by the appearance of downy growth on such lesions.
  • It causes damage to curd, producing curd-rot.

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How to Control Cauliflower Diamondback moth:-


  • Eggs are yellowish-white with greenish tinges.
  • The caterpillars are 7-12 mm in length, pale yellowish green in color with fine erect back hair scattered all over the body.
  • Adults are 8-10 mm long greyish-brown in color having pale whitish narrow wing inner yellow margins.
  • The adult female lays eggs on the leaves either singly or in groups.
  • White markings along the back of the fore wings which when folded from a diamond-shaped pattern in adult diamondback moth.


  • Small slender green caterpillars on emergence feed on the leafs epidemics and later make holes in the leaves.
  • Severely affected leaves are completely skeletonized.


    • For the prevention of diamondback moth, bold mustard should be sown in 2 lines after every 25 lines of cabbage/Cauliflower.
    • Spray the crop with Profenofos 50% EC 500 ml/acre or Profenofos 40% EC + cypermethrin 4% EC @ 400 ml/acre or
    • Spinosad 25% SC100 ml/acre or Indoxacarb @ 300 ml/acre or Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG @ 100 gm/acre Spray at fortnight intervals starting from 25 days after transplanting to control the pest.


  • For biological control Beauveria bassiana @ 1 kg/acre.


  • Note: Mix the sticker with each spray.

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Suitable varieties of Cauliflower

Good quality selection of seeds of cauliflower not only ensures good yield but also reduces a lot of other infestation problems, if a suitable variety of seed offers tolerance to a particular disease then it significantly reduces the cost of input in terms of pesticide and labor. while selecting the type of seed for cauliflower, care should be taken the weather conditions and sowing time. Ideally, the types that should be selected for the upcoming sowing season are improved Karina and super first crop.


Improved Karina ( Rajkumar Seeds )

An early variety is suitable for fresh market and sowing from early May to the end of August. the maturity period after transplantation is around 55-60 days with high-temperature sustainability in humid conditions. Leaf characteristics curve in nature and curd weight up to 1.2 kg and curd color is white in nature. Curds shape is dome type and very compact in nature. This gives good protection to curd against the sun.

Super First crop

A midsegment variety for moderate temperature and climate. Sowing time is from Feb to August. thus winter hardy and produces good curd even at moderate temperature. Curds compact, pure white, weight 800 – 1000 gm. the crop matures after 60 days of transplanting. curds are compact and stone hard which makes it suitable for long-distance transportation. this variety has high tolerance to black rot disease.


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Suitable varieties of Cauliflower

Good quality selection of seeds of cauliflower not only ensures good yield but also reduces a lot of other infestation problems, if a suitable variety of seed offers tolerance to a particular disease then it significantly reduces the cost of input in terms of pesticide and labor. while selecting the type of seed for cauliflower, care should be taken the weather conditions and sowing time. Ideally, the types that should be selected for the upcoming sowing season are improved Karina and super crop.

Improved Karina ( Rajkumar Seeds )

an early variety suitable for fresh market and sowing from early May to end of August. the maturity period after transplantation is around 55-60 days with high-temperature sustainability in humid conditions. Leaf characteristics curve in nature and curd weight up to 1.2 kg and curd color are white in nature. Curds shape is dome type and very compact in nature. This gives good protection to curd against the sun.

Super First crop

A midsegment variety for moderate temperature and climate. Sowing time is from Feb to August. thus winter hardy and produces good curd even at moderate temperature. Curds compact, pure white, weight 800 – 1000 gm. the crop matures after 60 days of transplanting. curds are compact and stone hard which makes it suitable for long-distance transportation. this variety has high tolerance to black rot disease.
