Blast symptoms and prevention measures in paddy crops

Blast:- This disease of paddy is spread by a fungus named Pyricularia oryzae. This disease of paddy is very destructive. Small and bluish spots are formed on the leaves and their lower parts, and later these spots increase in size to become boat-like. The symptoms of this disease first appear on the leaves, but its attack also occurs on the leaf sheath, inflorescence,node and grain cover.  Mainly: This disease is seen in the form of leaf blast, panicle blast and neck blast.

Control Measures:- 

  • For its control,  Spray Nativo (Tebuconazole 50% + Trifloxystrobin 25% WG) @ 80 gm  or Force 11 (Tricycloazole 75% WP)140 gm + Silico Maxx @ 50 ml, per acre @ 150 -200 liters of water.

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