Soil preparation for cultivation of Bitter gourd

  • The land is ploughed and brought to a fine tilth by 1-2 crosswise ploughing and then it is levelled.
  • Well-rotten farmyard manure @ 8-10 t/Acre is applied before last ploughing.
  • Make beds of 2 to 3 feet wide depending on the support system to be adopted.

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Seed Treatment in Bitter gourd

  • For good quality, diseases and insect free yield the seed must be treat before sowing with the below products.
  • Seed treat with carbendazim 12% + mancozeb 63% fungicide 2 gm/kg seed or carboxin 37.5% + thiram 37.5% fungicide 2gm/kg of seed.
  • Seed should be treated with imidacloprid 600 FS (48%) 1 ml/kg seeds for control of Sucking pest on early stage.

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Nutrient Management of Bitter Gourd

Nutrient Management of Bitter Gourd:-

  • Add FYM @ 30 tones/ha at the time of field preparation.
  • Application of 75 kg urea, 200 kg single super phosphate and  75 kg muriate of potash/ha at the time of final field preparation.
  • Apply another 75kg urea /ha in 2-3 split doses at the time of veining.
  • Total P & K and one third of nitrogen can be applied basally about 8-10 cm away from the seeds.
  • Nitrogen deficiency causes yellowing of vine and tillage and checks the vegetative growth.
  • Whereas the excess dose promote excess biomes accumulation which reduces fruiting and produce more number of male flower which is undesirable.
  • Deficiency of reduces plant height and area of foliage causing flower drop and checks the fruiting.

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Germination before sowing in bitter gourd

Germination before sowing in bitter gourd:-

  • Bitter gourd seed have a hard seed coat; soak 2-3 Months old seeds overnight in cold water.
  • Seeds are then stored in moist cloth and kept for one or two days for germination.
  • Seeds immediately after germination are sown.
  • On raised furrow beds, seeds sown at a depth of 2 cm.

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Red Pumpkin Beetle in Bitter Gourd

Red Pumpkin Beetle in Bitter Gourd:-


  • The grubs feed on the roots and underground portion of host plants and fruits touching the soil.
  • The damaged roots and infested underground, portion of stems start rotting due to secondary infection by saproliytic fungi, and the unripe fruits of such vines dry up.
  • Infested fruits become unfit for human consumption.
  • Adult beetles feed voraciously on leaf lamina making irregular holes.
  • They prefer young seedling and tender leaves and damage may even kill the seedlings.


  • As insect pupate in the soil, deep ploughing soon after the crop exposes and kill grubs and pupae.
  • Apply Cartap hydrochloride 3 G granule 3-4cm deep in soil near base of germinated seedlings.
  • Spray the crop with Cypermethrin 25% EC (1 ml/lit) +Dimethoat 30% EC (2 Ml/litre ) or Carbaryl 50% WP (3 gm/Litre) of water at fortnight intervals starting from 25 days after transplanting to control the pest.

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Irrigation in Bitter Gourd

Irrigation in Bitter Gourd:-

  • Bitter gourd cannot tolerate drought or water stagnation.
  • Water the crop immediately after sowing or planting on third day and then once a week depends upon the soil moisture.
  • Maintain good soil moisture in the upper 50 cm. of soil where the majority of roots are located.

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Staking and trellising in Bitter gourd

Staking and trellising in Bitter gourd

  • Bitter gourd grows very fast and vines elongate rapidly within two weeks after planting.
  • Staking and trellising will increase fruit yield, size, reduce fruit rot and make spraying and harvesting easier.
  • The trellis should be 1.2-1.8 meter high constructed from stacks 1.2 -1.8 meter apart.

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Time of Sowing of Bitter Gourd

Time of sowing of bitter gourd:-

  • Sowing is done January- February for summer crops.
  • Sowing is done during May-June for kharif crop.
  • Sowing is done during September-October for Rabi crop.

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Control of Fruit fly in Bitter Gourd


  • Egg are 1 to 1.5mm long whitish in colour, elongate cylindrical in shape. Slightly curved and tapering at both ends.
  • Full grown maggot are 5 to 10 mm. long cylindrical in shape, tapering an teriorly an blunt at posterior end and pole white in colour.
  • Pupae are 5 to 8mm long, barrel shaped and brown to ochraceous in colour.
  • Adult fly has reddish brown body with transparent and shiny wings. Bearing yellow- brown streaks.
  • Adult fly are 4 to 5mm long having a wings expanse of 11 to 13 and 14 to 16mm in males and females respectively.


  • The maggot burrow in to the fruits and suck the sap.
  • Infested fruit decay and drop.
  • The fly mainly prefers tender fruits for egg laying.
  • Ovipositional punctures caused by adults also cause injury on fruits and fruit juice oozes out.
  • This also results in distorted and malformed.
  • The maggots feed on the pulp of fruits as well as on the immature seeds and cause premature dropping of fruits.


  • Collected and destroy infected fruits.
  • To prevent egg laying fly traps (Pheromons traps) can be set up in the yield with 1%methyl Engenol or Cintronella oil or vinegar or dextrose or Acetic acid or laetic acid.
  • Cover developing fruits with paper or polythene cover immediately after anthesis pollination.
  • Maize plants grown in rows at a distance of 8-10cm in cucurbit field is effective as flies rest on such tall plants.
  • Soil incorporation of cabaryl 10% dust can be made in fruit fly endemic areas.
  • Spraying of Dichlorovas @3ml/lit of water at fortnightly intervals.
  • Deep ploughing to expose hibernating stages.

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