Measures for identification and control of insect damage in bitter gourd crop

Red pumpkin beetle


  • It is a harmful insect, which is found on bitter gourds at the initial stage.

  • This insect inhibits the growth of the plant by eating the leaves.

  • Its larva is dangerous, it destroys the crop by cutting the roots of bitter gourd plants.


  • Spray Novalaxam  (Thiamethoxam 12.6% + Lambda Cyhalothrin 9.5% ZC) @ 80 ml  + silico maxx  @ 50 ml, @ 150 to 200 litres of water per acre.


Symptoms –

  • This insect is small in size, which is found in large quantities on the soft parts of crops like leaves, flower buds, and twigs.

  • White spots appear on the leaves.

  • The plants on which there is an outbreak of spider webs appear on that plant, this kit sucks the juice of the soft parts of the plant and weakens them and in the end the plant dies.

control –

  • Spray Abacin (Abamectin 1.8% EC) @ 150 ml or Omite (Propargite 57% EC) @ 200 ml + silico max @ 50 ml, @ 150 to 200 liters of water per acre. 

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