What is Biofertilizers

What is Biofertilizers
  • To maintain the fertility of the soil and for good produce, there are some naturally occurring bacteria or microorganisms that we call biofertilizer.
  • Bio-fertilizers convert nitrogen present in the atmosphere into ammonia and provide it to plants.
  •  It makes insoluble nutrients like phosphorus and other nutrients present in the soil soluble and makes it easily available to the plants.
  • Bio-fertilizers are completely natural so they do not have any harmful effects on the environment.
  • It helps in increasing soil’s physical and biological properties and its fertility.
  • The effect of bio manure is observed very slowly in crops and soil. About two to three billion microorganisms are found in one gram of soil on the field, which contains bacteria, fungi, etc., which work towards increasing the fertility of the soil and increasing crop production.