Benefits of cotton samridhi kit to cotton crop and soil

Benefits of cotton samridhi kit to cotton crop and soil
  • Gramophone presents a cotton special ‘Soil Samriddhi Kit’ which acts as a protective shield for cotton crops. In this kit, the cotton crop will get everything that the cotton crop needs. Several products are included in this kit, Mixing all these products with 50-100 kg FYM and adding them in the soil, gives complete protection to the crop. This kit can be used for both drip and soil treatment.

  • It helps in the supply of three major elements nitrogen, potash and phosphorus in the soil and crop. Due to which the plant gets the necessary elements in time, growth is good, crop production increases as well as the availability of nutrients in the soil also increases.

  • Zinc solubilizing bacteria improve zinc availability in soil and increase crop yield. Zinc bacteria are required for photosynthesis, promoting hormones in the plant and biosynthesis of plant growth.

  • Trichoderma is a  soluble organic fungicide based on fungi that kills pathogens in soil and seed, preventing serious diseases such as root rot, stem rot, wilt. Trichoderma is a micro organism functioning continuously in the root zone of the plant (rhizosphere). Apart from this, they also protect the plants from diseases caused by nematodes.

  • Humic acid improves water holding capacity by improving soil structure and enhancing white root growth. Seaweed helps plants to get nutrients and amino acids enhance the photosynthesis process. This results in better vegetative growth and also improves the health of the plants. Mycorrhiza helps in the growth of every stage of the plant such as flowers, fruits, leaves etc. as well as the growth of white roots.

Click to Order Cotton Samriddhi Kit

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