Benefits of the use of organic microbial culture Azotobacter in cucurbit crops

Benefits of the use of organic microbial culture Azotobacter in cucurbit crops
  • Azotobacter is an independent nitrogen fixation bacteria.
  • This bacterium keeps the nitrogen of the atmosphere continuously stored in the ground.
  • Use of this does not cause yellowing of leaves in cucurbit crops.
  • In cucurbit crops , fruit development and growth of plants are good.
  • When it is used, 20% to 25% of nitrogen is required per crop.
  • These bacteria increase germination percentage of seeds.
  • Helps to increase the quantity of roots  and length of stem. 

How to Save 20-25% of Nitrogen Fertilizer

Azotobacter free-living nitrogen fixation aerobic bacteria.

  • It stabilizes atmospheric nitrogen into soil.
  • Using of this bacteria, the requirement of Nitrogen Fertilizer (Urea) decreases up to 20-25 %.
  • It secretes various types of vitamins and gibberellins in the roots of plants, which increases the accumulation of seeds (germination) and good growth of roots and the capacity of absorbing micro-nutrients and water in plants.
  • Seed Treatment :- Azotobacter (CFU 1 X108 ):- 4-5 ml/kg seed.
  • Soil Application:- one liter of Azotobacter (CFU 1 X108 ) mixed with 40-50 kg well-decomposed FYM/Vermicompost and broadcast in soil or can broadcast 45 DAS in soil.
  • Drip Irrigation:- one liter of Azotobacter (CFU 1 X108 ) mixed with 100 ltr water and apply within drip.

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Advantages of N fixation bacteria in okra

  • Azotobacter spp. is the free-living nitrogen-fixing aerobic bacterium.
  • Improve seed germination percentage.
  • Increase number & length of shoot and root.
  • Help to fix nitrogen from atmosphere in continuous process.
  • Reduce 20% to 25 % Nitrogenous fertilizer requirements.
  • Reduction in disease incidence.

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Use of Nitrogen fixing bacteria

Nitrogen fixing bacteria are beneficial bacteria capable of transforming atmospheric nitrogen in to fixed nitrogen (inorganic compounds usable by plants). Same important Nitrogen fixing bacteria like Rhizobium, Azospirillum, Azotobactor etc. used by farmers as a culture. Apply through seed treatment 5 gm per kg seed or 2 kg per acre through soil application with 100 kg FYM.

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