Know about the best Varieties of Chili

  • Hyveg Saniya: This variety of chilli is intermediate resistance for bacterial wilt & Chilli Mosaic Virus and the first harvesting is done in 50–55 days. This variety is high pungency as well as having shiny yellowish-green. Its fruits are 13–15 cm in length, 1.7 cm in thickness and weigh about 14 grams.
  • Mahyco Navtej (MHCP-319): This is a powder mildew/ drought-tolerant variety. This hybrid variety is of medium to high pungency which has long storage capacity. Chilli length is 8-10 cm.
  • Mahyco 456: This variety has high pungency and chili length is 8-10 cm.
  • Hyveg Sonal: Chilli is 14 cm in length with a moderate pungency level, which is a good variety for drying.
  • Syngenta HPH-12: It has high seed content and pungency. Its plant and branches are strong bushings.
  • Nunhems US- 1003: A medium-length plant with light green fruits, whose fruits are of good quality.
  • Nunhems US- 720: Dark green chili which is a moderate pungency level.
  • Nunhems Indu: This variety is resistant to mosaic virus and powdery mildew disease and has good storage capacity.
  • Starfield Jini: This variety is tolerant to viruses.
  • VNR Charmi (G-303): This variety has characteristics like light green color, medium pungency, and 14 cm chilli length. Its first picking is done in 55-60 days.
  • Starfield Rome- 21: Tolerant of viruses and gives more productions. It is the best variety for red chili.

Knowledge of advanced varieties of chili

Hyveg Saniya: 

  • This variety of chilli is intermediate resistance for bacterial wilt and Chilli Mosaic Virus.
  • The chillies of this variety are 13-15 cm long, 1.7 cm thick and weighs around 14 grams. They are shiny yellowish-green in colour.
  • The first harvesting of this variety takes place in 50–55 days.

Mahyco Navtej (MHCP-319): 

  • This is powder mildew and drought-tolerant variety.
  • This hybrid variety is of medium to high pungency which has long storage capacity.

Watch this video to know more about other high yielding varieties of chilli-
