Suitable Climate for Wheat

Suitable Climate for Wheat:-

  • Wheat is mainly a cold and arid climate crop, so during the crop planting From 20 to 22º C, Optimal tempreture 25ºC in the time of Vegetative growth and from 14 to 15º C at the time of ripening the temperature is excellent.
  • When the temperature is high, the crop rises quickly and the yield decreases.
  • There is a lot of damage to the crop from frost.
  • When the earring gets frosts, the seeds lose germination power and its development stops.
  • In small days, the growth of leaves and tillers is high, while the day starts to rise with the earring. For its cultivation, 60-100 cm. annual rainfall areas are suitable.
  • For the growth of plants, 50-60 percent humidity has been found suitable in the atmosphere. The cold winter and warm summers are considered suitable for the better crop of wheat.

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